1. Principles and practices

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and built a plan for accomplish it.

Final Project Ideas

For the final Project I had two principal ideas:

  • The first one was a device that could identify a kind of micro-vibration called “form emission”.

The study of “form emissions” was developed in the 1930s by André de Belizal and Léon Chaumery, two French physicists who, against the tide of everything that was done at that time in the field of physics, explored the world of microvibratory physics. This study led them to discover that objects emit a wave or vibration whose characteristics are closely related to their geometric shape.

At that time those physicists measured “form emission” with pendulum devices.
Being aware of this fisical influence about shapes in people’s spaces and bodies (becose of the vibratory nature of all things) turns important to know what kind of shapes are positive or negative for living beings’ health.
In the same way of this project I thought it could be also an smathphone app that “scans” objects and make a kind of harmonic shape assesment based on mathematicals algorithms and geometric patterns.

  • The second idea was a Smart Coffee Cup that keeps people’s coffee or hot drinks warm.
    This one was more supported by my tutor. He said that in, the Fab Academy context, it will be a better project thant the other one. I was agree, and I thought that in a comecial way, this product will be more demand than the other one.

Smart Coffee Cup

I want to develop a product that solves a very common problem and therefore has an excellent reception in the market. One of the most repeated problems that, by my own experience, I identified on an office work context, is that coffee cools long before one finishes it.

Final project sketch

This cup will be able to detect when your coffee has cooled to turn on its warming system. It will reconize also when there is no more liquid inside to automatically turn off. It will be made in ceramics or glass with a sophisticated and organic design.


On this first week and with the asistance of our tutor, each one built a planification for the realisation of the final project.

Final project plan

Fab Charter and Token


Learning outcomes

  • [x] Communicate an initial project proposal

Have you?

  • [x] Read the Fab Charter

  • [x] Sketched your final project idea/s

  • [x] Described what it will do and who will use it