Project Development

Evaluate project plan

The project started as a big endeavor. But many iterations in spiral development must be run before a viable product or even a realistic social structure is attained. Nevertheless, the achievement of a simple telecommunications device is a great step towards that goal.

Time management

Several time schedules have been made. But the deadlines had not been met.

The good news is that the assignments were directed towards advancing my final project. And small steps going around making small achievements in my final project such as: transmitting with light, receiving with light and making that transmission-reception digital, has made the advancement reach to a minimum viable goal a success.

Short project summary

Do you want connect to InterNet without barriers, contracts or never ending payments? We are building the Libre Net NOW. Come fly with us!

TeleKIT is a project to connect with your neighbors and them with their neighbors. It is light communication in line of site. So there are no government or corporate control restrictions. If enough connections are made, all of us can be interconnected around the World.

Completed tasks

Communication of two remote points by light signaling.

Pending tasks



To Do

Plan Schedule

My instructor Roberto told me to make a table on my web page with the plan schedule. He crossed by while I took a photo of the draft on the whiteboard!

Roberto crosses while I document!

This is the first schedule draft.

It is the picture for follow-up. The lower part is mine. I made an html table below.

Work schedule
May 14OpenKinectEmbedded programming
May 213D Design in Mods4 phases of Molding and Casting the Parabola and the Case
May 28Documentation catch-upFinal project integration
Jun 04Documentation polishingFinal project video and slide

I am not up to date with my schedule. As of today, may 24, I have been able to finish the design of my cast for jewelery in the Wildcard week and the design of the cast which will give form to my cast to mold the paraboloid mirror in the Molding and Casting week. Nevertheless, I have not made the casts themselves yet.

I could achieve several milestones by June 6. I was able to communicate at 32 meters by way of a laser pointer connected to one of the PCB boards. The other side of the communication has a photo-transistor connected to the other board. So I have finished electronic design, output devices, input devices, embedded programming and networking assignments with this achievement. Now I need to update documentation of these assignments and update the other assignments' documentation too. Besides that, I must integrate the final project on a nice presentation and make its video and slide.

I should have completed all my assignments, finished my final project and come up-to-date on the documentation by June 4. So now I have to make another schedule.

New Work schedule

Last Work schedule

As of today, June 7, I have not been able to comply with my schedule. This is my last schedule.

Deadline for final project: 2018 June 18 16h00 ECT

Lessons Learned

Project planning

Visible line of site telecommunications

Recommendations for making a better FabAcademy

Note: Perhaps the following text should go into another section or should not be mentioned at all.

These are suggestions I can help implement if given enough freedom to collaborate with FabAcademy in the future. They could help the people in charge if they manage to invest a little time on these in order to get better student results and save time and resources latter.