Raquel Gallego

Aplications and implications

Plan and document a final project that integrates the range of units covered:
1_what will it do?
The project was meant to be a system with different components, the purpose of the installation was to interact with people.

2_who's done what beforehand?
The project itself is nothing new, the idea was to create an artistic piece that could integrate all the different processes learnt during the FAB academy course.

3_what materials and components will be required?

1_ ABS to create the 3D printed pieces
2_Polyurethane Resin to create the petals
3_Acrylic to fabricate the vase where the main structure lays down.
4_Electronic components….

4_where will they come from?
Basically, they will come from the local stores

5_how much will it cost?
The price estimation in terms of material it will be around 35 € each component

6_what parts and systems will be made?
Everything is made, that allows a lot of freedom in the design process
what processes will be used?
Likewise all the designs were done using Rhino , the vase is a press fit design extracting the U V isocurves

7_what tasks need to be completed?
At this point I am still dealing with design issues, I had to redesign the vase because it was difficult to build it using the laser cutter. see class 19

8_what questions need to be answered?

How I am going to integrate all the mechanics and electronics on the final prototype.

9_what is the schedule?
For the week 17, I expect to have all the pieces design in rhino, for the week 18 I will be assembling all the parts and making sure the electronics fits on it, and checking if I am using the proper motors last week (before the final presentation) I expect to have the board and thearduino code written and working.

10_how will it be evaluated?

