Raquel Gallego

Molding, casting, and composites

For the molding exercise I have decided to create a mold for the flower petal.

I was going to build the petal with the 3D printing machine, but since I have to do multiple copies I thought it could be a better exercise and more optimaize to do it with a silicon mold.

1_STL files face A, face B

2_Milling the piece out of the modeling wax

I have used a 2 mm diameter tool. That allows the milling process to be 11 mm depth. So I have designed the 3d piece in 2 faces and the deepest one goes 8 mm down.

3_Silicon filling

4_Silicon Mold.


Some examples of casting problems.

To resolve the problem I have decided to fill the silicone mold vertical, to be able to get rid of the bubbles.

5_Final piece

