About Me + My Final Project

I am an architect, born and raised in Alaska, currently living in Boston, and commuting to Providence for Fab Academy 2015. I have a strong background in art and design but zero experience making and programming electronics. (Does syncing my ipod count?) I am fascinated by the possibilities digitial fabrication tools can offer for creative expression and feel like I am discovering an entirely new world that I had only previously heard rumors about - and that makes me very happy.

I love nature. It's as simple as that. I find my experiences with the natural world to be beautiful, inspiring and humbling. I am hoping to integrate the digital fabrication skills I learn in this course with my love of nature to develop processes, projects and outcomes that wouldn't be possible using analog methods. I think the tools we will be exposed to throughout our course offer some very interesting possibilities to fuse art, technology and science together in new ways.

I'm still working out what I want my final project to look like but I know I want to create a light installation that responds to real-time North Atlantic Right Whale calls being monitored in Massachusetts Bay. I've spent some time looking at outdoor light installations for inspiration and will post some of my favorites below. As of now, there are 13 buoys set up throughout the bay monitoring the whale calls so I want my installation to be made up of 13 light fixtures. The fixtures would then be programmed to fade on at the start of the whale call, peak in brightness at the highest frequency of the call, and then fade out creating random patterns based on the whale's behavior.

Inspiration Photos







Jessica Metz Fab Academy 2015

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