Output Devices

For my Output Devices project, I constructed a breakout board to partner with the Electret Mic board I designed for Week 1o Input Devices. If everything went according to plan, the mic would have picked up sound and the LED's on the breakout board would have lit up.

Although this wasn't quite what I intended to do for my final project, the concept was the same: collect sound and have a light output that corresponded to the sounds made.

Unfortunately, I've really struggled to get the breakout board to work with my Electret Mic board and have decided to just continue working on my final project. If my final project works as planned, then it will have an output and hopefully that will count towards something.

RGB LED Breakout Board Traces




Design Files:

RGB LED Breakout Board Schematic

RGB LED Breakout Board Schematic

Jessica Metz Fab Academy 2015

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