Fab Academy 2013

Networking and communications

Programming boards

1. Flash all the boards with the hello bus code.

  • Flashing the bridge:
  • The bridge is node 0:
    #define node_id '0'
  • Flashing nodes. They have to be powered from the bridge board by connecting boards like this: node
  • Once every board is programmed, it works like in Anna's tutorial.
  • busentero

2. Editing the hello bus code.
I test this:

  • Editing the delay on the third node:
    #define led_delay() _delay_ms(500) // LED flash delay

  • Editing the message is going to appear at the arduino IDE.
    const static char message[] PROGMEM = "hola soy el nodo 3";

I have one ".c" and ".make" file for each node. To be changed at the ".c" file for each node: I copy the .make file we download here and change its name to prepare each .make file for the nodes. To be changed at the .make file for each node:

Once every board is programmed it works like this: