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2.Project management|Week 1

What did I learn this week?

To do lists Y/N
Overview of version control
Overview of Git
Initialise a new repository
Add remote and push/pull
Git commit messages
Making a website using markdown language
Additional things I learned Y/N


This is the first time I have designed a website using “Markdown”. I had a lot of problems, but with patience and perseverance I’ve been able to get through it.

GIF-I did it

What is Git?

Git is the most commonly used version control system. Git tracks the changes you make to files, so you have a record of what has been done, and you can revert to specific versions should you ever need to. Git also makes collaboration easier, allowing changes by multiple people to all be merged into one source.

Git book help me a lot to understand it.

So lets start create our first website

Step one:

I have downloaded Git from for Windows 64-bit.


Here I started installing the program in my PC . C:\


Then I have chosen to install using the recommended option so third-party software.


third-party meaning: For example, you may download an app that helps you schedule workouts with friends. This app may request access to your Google Calendar and Contacts to suggest times and friends for you to meet up with

Step 2:

I opened Git bash window and did this fellow steps.


  • Then I configured my username and email on Git Bash by using:

    Configure email: git config --global "my email"
    Configure username: git config --global "my user name".


Step 3:


  • First go to gitlab and login, to get the URL code.
  • Then press on "clone", and choose Clone with HTTPS.

Use this tutorial if you have any problem


  • In Git command I used cd git to work inside the directory created.
  • In Git command I used git clone copied URL** to clone my repository with the name as used in the cloud, which is "ammar-alkhatib".

git cd
git cd /c/

  • Using cd ammar-alkhatib, now I am working inside the cloned directory “ammar-alkhatib”.


Note: By typing git status it will give me the information about adding or changing or deleting files/folders as shown in the image.

git status

To upload the files, we type:

git add . ///adds a change in the working directory to the staging area. It must be done every time we make changes to the file.

Then use git commit to commit (save) the staged files: To record the changes. Git add with git commit are used to track project versions. git commit -m"your comment"


  • Use command git status \\ to help what do next git status.


- Finally use command git push \\ to upload the change: Push the changes in our local repository to the remote one which is Gitlab in our case.

Step 4:



I downloaded Atom which is a markdown editor from its official to start adding my documentation.


the image above shonw ATOM from the inside while I was working.

What is Markdown?

  • Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents.

  • In an application like Microsoft Word, you click buttons to format words and phrases, and the changes are visible immediately. Markdown isn’t like that. When you create a Markdown-formatted file, you add Markdown syntax to the text to indicate which words and phrases should look different.

Why I Use Markdown?

  • Markdown can be used for everything. People use it to create websites, documents, notes, books, presentations, email messages, and technical documentation.

  • Markdown is platform independent. You can create Markdown-formatted text on any device running any operating system.

  • Markdown is everywhere. Websites like Reddit and GitHub support Markdown.

I have learnt about markdown using Atom by this website with some tutorials that I took from it in order to use it on my website.​

  • Here I listed the important syntax sheet that will help you in the progress :

    Markdown Sheet

    Element Markdown Syntax
    Heading # H1 ## H2 ### H3 … ###### H6
    Bold bold text
    Italic italicized text
    Blockquote > blockquote
    Code code
    Horizontal Rule
    Link [title] (
    Image ![alt text ] (image.jpg)

For more syntax read the following tutorial on this wsbsite

Step 5 [Conclusion]:

Uploading local directory into remote repository Using:

  1. git add . : for add changes into staging area.

  2. commit -m"your comment" : saved changes into local directory with a comment for future reference. repository.

  3. git status : for checked the status of local directory and staging area. Everything looks good.
  4. git push : for uploaded local directory into cloud or remote


Useful links/References:

Git book

What is Git

Markdown Guide

Markdown tutorial from Github


Last update: February 17, 2021