FabLab Tabasco-DigiFab Macuspana Avenida Tecnológico s/n, Lerdo de Tejada 1ra Secc. Macuspana, Tabasco, México. CP. 86719 email: aleon@itsmacuspana.tecnm.mx and anleratab@gmail.com
With the aim of meeting the demand of young people in situations of marginalization or who live in urban areas and belong to families with middle incomes, or indigenous students, the Higher Technological Institute of Macuspana was born to offer access to higher education and satisfy productive needs and regional transformation. With the firm purpose of promoting the scientific and technological development of the region, on May 25, 2000, the Ministry of Public Education and the Government of the State of Tabasco, signed the coordination agreement for the creation, operation and financial support of the Technological Institute. Superior of Macuspana, the State Congress issued Decree 394 for its creation, as a decentralized public body of the state government.