5. Electronics production

This week, I had to start working on the circuit and experiment with it

  • This is the circuit I’m going to work on

circuit circuit Evidence

Mill a PCB

Machine Characterization

Click here to know more about the machine and how we use it

  • We did a pre-drilling experiment on the machine and used 32 & 64 bit mill. The figure below shows the difference between them

- To learn more about the experiment, you can enter the link below and learn more information about it for more details clik here

Deburring and cleaning

  1. I opened the machine and changed the Mill bit

  1. I switched the Mill bit to a size 64

  1. After installing the Mill bit, I move the Z-axis until it comes into contact with the lower surface, taking care not to break the bit head

  1. I start the machine to do the drilling process

  1. The interior has been dug

  1. After completing the drilling and making sure everything is OK

  1. I’m removing extra sediment to add another Mill of bit

  1. I put the Mill bit by the same previous steps

  1. After I finished cutting



  • Then I went to the welding area to perform the Soldering process

- I tried the circuit using the multimeter to make sure there are no shorts

  • I connected the circus with the computer to program it

circuit problem

  • I examined the circuit and it became clear to me that there is a problem in the circuit, which is the copper line does not reach the other side, then I welded the resistance with the programming entrance

PCB Programming

For more information and download the program Atmel Studio 7

  • I connected the circuit to the computer again and tried it

- I opened the program to see if the circuit was working or not and it was working and was contacted with the computer

  • I pressed (tool+ j-link)

  • I select (Dvice & ATSAMD11C14A)

  • select ( inteface settings )

  • select (Memores )

  • Then press (Program)

  • It appears to me here if the operation was successful

Circus experience

  • I connected my circuit to another circuit and tried to program it through my circuit

  • The other circuit is programmed by my circuit