#17 Invention, intellectual property, and income

Originally my plan was to stay focused on silk-screen printing. However I decided to rethink and make it more general so that it can have a wider range of media.

It is then born the "Graphics Generator Console".

From there, the project can effectively take the course to become a platform to turn digital designs into printed material, mainly using silk-screen technique. But otherwise, it may take more height and become many other things. From a game console or a video mapping interface, to an excellent tool for the development of visual artists.

The project can be easily adapted to any need either modifying the processing code, thus obtaining different visual approaches. Or changing the layout and scaling, primarily compacting it to a joystick mode, or transforming to a larger scale according to the specific requirements.

Its use is not only in the leisure field, but also in the arts and education.

I think that it also has great commercial potential. Whether making it an attractive product for retail, or use it as a platform for specific advertising campaigns.

I think patenting my project is not the way to go. On the one hand there is the "Etch a Sketch" patent which may be some collision, and secondly consider the potential of my project is that other people can use it as a platform to develop their own projects.

Perhaps a Creative Commons license type might be the right thing to do and allow other people to use it and modify it (non-commercial), both hardware and code.

Clearly I see two immediate possibilities for financial gain for my project, as I mentioned above.

First I use my project to develop an educational program for high school students and students of art schools. Using the console as a means of teaching processing code and electronic. In Peru, the educational offer is ample and demand is growing. In that sense by offering an innovative tecky workshop could be a great success.

Another sector that is growing rapidly and it is also very dynamic is the advertising sector. It is in constant search of new advertising media and innovative products. By offering my project to agencies, along with its creative department, it could be used as a great support for advertising campaigns. Both as an interactive module as well as BTL (Below the line) activation.

In conclusion, my project has a wide range of development in different fields, which can be replicable and scalable for good profits.

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