#15 Applications and implications

what will it do?

My final project is a Graphics Generator Console inspired by"Etch a Sketch" toy. 2 potentiometers and LED monitor display as it can draw on the work area by combining vertical and horizontal lines.

who's done what beforehand?

In www.instructables.com there is a similar project that is virtual. In that case it is kind of a joystick, though for my project the idea is to assemble a console with greater potential. With the ability to transform into a platform for artistic development.

what materials and components will be required?

LED Monitor
Raspberry Pi
Power supply

where will they come from?

Most of the components are in the FabLab inventory. However the Raspberry Pi and the LED monitor must be purchased at any local supplier.

how much will it cost?

The biggest cost is the Raspberry Pi and the LED monitor, so making a preliminary estimate the project would cost $ 160.

what parts and systems will be made?

The structure containing all the elements
The frame for the screen
The control unit
The (PCB) boards for sensors

what processes will be used?

Computer-Aided Design
Computer-Controlled Cutting
Electronics Production
Electronics Design
Embedded Programming
Input Devices
Output Devices
Coding with Processing

what tasks need to be completed?

Structure designing
Design of electronic
Write the code in Processing

what questions need to be answered?

How to translate the sensor readings to generate a pattern image?
How to integrate systems with the timer?
How to power the system?
How to assemble the entire system?

what is the schedule?

how will it be evaluated?

The whole system should function. The potentiometers must control lines X, Y to generate graphics on the display. The button should clear the screen to restart the cycle of drawing.

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