#1 Project management

I learned HTML language 15 years ago while in college. Since then, the only approach I've had with web pages has been a blog that I wrote with a friend (just in case you want to read some wacky stuff in Spanish), but we used blogspot.com, so there was barely any contact with HTML. My approach to this assignment was therefore as a beginner in the subject. Below I will describe how it went.

I stumbled through some of the work done by alumni from the class of 2014.

I found a Tutorial and started watching.

I downloaded Sublimetext.

I combined the first video tutorial with another one I found at Codeacademy.com

I built the first iteration of my site, and voilá!

I continued with the assignment by adding all the relevant information to my website.

Some final style touches were also included. (I am currently trying to deal with CSS but nothing seems to be happening. Hopefully I will improve my skills during the course with a little help from my friends!).

After running through a 3rd tutorial, www.dash.generalassemb.ly, I finally managed to give a unique style to my page, as well as more coherence.

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