input devices

This week I built the amazing step response sensor from Neils circuits. I can think of lot’s of interesting ways of using this for measuring all kinds of things, but I haven’t gotten further than making the default example work. input_device_01 Milling, soldering and programming the device was easy. After connecting to the programmer and to the computer I ran:

sudo make -f hello.load.45.make program-usbtiny

in the directory with the files, and then

sudo make -f hello.load.45.make program-usbtiny

For running the python programm I had to install python -tk

sudo apt-get install python-tk

and run it with

python /dev/ttyUSB0

input_device_02 input_device_03

I also made the synchronous detection (see embedded programming) input_synchronous_detection

and the transmit-receive board.
