Project RocNaV: Rocket Navigation system (Flight Computer)
I like rockets and always wanted to build one and control it, thus the project idea for this coures: a filght computer.
Project Sketch
Launch 1:
Lanuch 2:
On this page I will document the whole jurney.
Project Slides Project RocNaV
To build a rocket navigation system, the first thing I need is a rocket. I designed one with openrocket It's roughly 1 meter tall and has these major parts:
Project Development
Tasks Completed
- CAD of Project
- Manufacturing
- Integration
What's working
- Read live flight data through Arduino serail Interface
- IMU (gyroscope, Accelerometer) Data reading and is usefull for triggerring parachute release due to decrease in altitude
- Data logging: saving gyroscope data to SD-Card
- Communications modules Bugging: a lot of the communications modules we used before integration carried a lot of noise, and were not able to keep the link over 30 meters (CC2530F256 ZigBee, HC12RF...)
- GSP Module (BN220 GPS module 3.0V-5.0V TTL level GNSS) taking long to lock Satellites and is very unstable
- Engine Material Failure: PLA case bursted under pressure and heat on both launches
FIxes, Improvemwnts, Solutions (Pre laucnh)
- Locking satellites (6-8): Switched to new GPS module (GY-GPS6MV2)
- Logging: GPS coordinates add to file saved on SD-card
- WiFi data transmissionwe can send commands (like reset) to the flight computer byt typing into the serial
Questions/Problems that will need to be resolved
- Steady rocket flight: we are going to use a stainless steel 304 engine casing
What Will happen, When?
The remaing Improvements can be done after teh Fab Academy since they are not directly the main focus of the projects
- Material Improvements: Stainless Engine casing to extend flight time
What have you learned?
- Physical limitations of 3D printed PLA in high temperature and pressure environments anf operations
- System integration: electronics, physical, and chemical behaviors towards a working system of rockets
- Fuel preparation and mixing
- Programming around available electronics and specific application
Project Summary Slide.
Happy to receive your inquiries.
Kigali, Rwanda
+250 780 716 155