Week 1: Planning and repository set up

I started with informing myself about the Fab Lab and Fab Academy deeply. I read about building machines that build machines and rapid prototyping of rapid prototyping at the core of the curriculum's intention. I dived in and had a good time blowing my brains from Adam Savages tour at the MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms.

Next was to build my web based on a tempalete. I went for one with less pages to make customization less time consuming. Unfortunately the habit of Screenshots was fully built, so I forgot to screenshot the template.

Setting up SSH with my instructor and installing GIT was next.

My repositor took a week before it was established, so I went ahead and worked on the web locally, and waited until we can establish the pushing mechanism as wells clone my GIT, and we finally did.

Repository reastablishment

Initially I didn't do a good job documenting my repository setup. Two weeks after the break, I crashed my when I pushed a lot of Gigabytes without realizing it. I took then as an opportunity to redo repository setup documentation. So the following process will be reastablishing my repo not doing it for the first time, but it should be good to help you understand how to do yours.


I am following the Simple GIT sheet I found on Landon's week 1 Landon'd Git

So I set configured my name, and email

I went to SSH key on my repository account> Learn more. Under Supported SSH key types I found my SSH key on the first line (Bullet point)

But if it's first time you might want to begin with checking for it with your terminal

Next I copied my SSH Key with Terminal with the command: cat~/.ssh/YOUR_idNUMBER

I pasted the SSH key in the Key box on my repository.

Then I wrote an easy to remember description in the title box, then I click add key.

Cloning the GITLAB

Next I went the folder on my computer where I want to put my repo> Right click on the mouse> git bash here. after the git terminal opened, I typed in "git clone" then pasted the copied code from the clone code on the screenshot below, and type "fabacademy" after it which will be the folder name.

And that was it. I could puah to my Git again. And this time I learned the importance of pushing very often. Also for some reasons I didn't care much about files in my folders as I did to the assignements pages. I learned the hard way that those are actually are the ones to be careful about, not just pictures (SolidWOrks project files, Vcarve, Datasheets, etc.)


Happy to receive your inquiries.


Kigali, Rwanda


+250 780 716 155