9. Output devices
This week we searched output devices.
One of the most important things about output devices is consumption (current in amps). Load "taking" amount that it need, so if power supply give not enough, load will not act or not properly / fully, if it can give more, load will not consump.
Consumption information of devices for circuit design can be defined by datasheet or multimeter, for defining by multimeter need to choose mode for consuption mesuarement (A), need to be careful and understand does load consumpt more or less then 200-500 mA (depending on multimeter), depending on this "+" multimeter wire probe have to be putted in connector for mA (have high sensibility) or A (have inside thick jumper to withstand high current), to measure consumption, probes (multimeter) need to be incuded into circuit, just touching it will not work, current need to flow through multimeter.
Model + Ultimaker Cura

- Modeled in Rhino (later added referensed to sensor little depthness and hole from bottom side in center).