5. 3D Scanning and printing
This week we searched 3D printing.
- File
- Advantages of 3D printing:
- Economical
- Faster production cycle
- High quality (depends on method (SLA the best in resolution, smooth))
- Less waste
- Great customization
- Availability for the customer
- High difficulty
- Less risk
- Material deversity
- Quick prototyping
- This detail teoreticaly can be substructed, but it would be really hard to reach such resolution (it will depend on material), also use of substactive method in this case need much more problem solving, such as positioning for double side cutting (detail is quite small), restoration of chips (thin edges), much more operose secondary processing and finishing.
Model + Ultimaker Cura

- Modeled in Rhino (later added referensed to sensor little depthness and hole from bottom side in center).

- Set printing gcode file in Cura, sliced, saved on removable disk, insert it at printer.
- 2 walls
- Extruder 215 degree
- Plane 65 degrees
- Tree support for material saving
- Standart speed
- This detail will not undergo throgh any sensible load, so 2 walls is enough (for same reason infill was 20%).
- PLA melting range for 3D printing ~ 190-220 degrees, 215 degree close to upper limit, so material really dactile, but not too liquid.

- Printed well.

- Also later printed head of lamp on bigger printer, its resolution lower, but settings are same.
3D scaning

- Pieced together rotation station and scaner, placed object (fish scull).

- Downloaded and tried software on my computer and phone, for some reason computer did not see scaner, phone defined it, but on step of preview it disconected every time, so in result decided to use Fab computer.

- Placed accurately for correct distance, stated scaning.

- Afret that decided try to check it in Rhino, but for some reason FUSE file did not opened, tried to reformate it to SLT, but even that was not possible, so I decided that need to export OBG, but it also was invalid.

- Thought that probably it is because to many point clouds was not scaned well. Tried to scan not only from one perspective, to add point clouds from internal part, tried do it totaly manualy, but tracking was missed few times, so scan became a mass, decided that better just put object higher to have ability scan it fuller just moving scaner by Z-axis.
- But result was the same, file was invalid.

- Then I realized that did not press icon to create mesh... So in result it was done.