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Hello there!

Welcome to Janet’s Fab Acad Site

Join me on my Fab Adventures navigating setting up a new Innovation Center in the heart of Boston while learning all the things! I’ll be documenting my triumphs and sweet failures here.

Behind the Curtain

I’ll be using Gitlab to document all the things using Markdown.

GIT is the ultimate in version control, so hopefully I don’t break anything too badly.

I preserved the following self-describing section from the template for posterity:

  • This website is built automatically by gitlab every time you edit the files in the docs folder
  • It does so thanks to Mkdocs a static site generator written in Python
  • You must start customizing the file mkdocs.yml with your information
  • You can change the looks of your website using mkdocs themes, you can find in the mkdocs.yml the options for the Material Mkdocs theme
  • If you want to start from scratch, you can delete everything (using git-rm) in this repository and push any other static website

Last update: February 23, 2022