WildCard Week

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    Design and produce something with a digital fabrication process
    (incorporating computer-aided design and manufacturing) not covered
    in another assignment, documenting the requirements that your
    assignment meets, and including everything necessary to reproduce it.

    • Document how I made my creation
    • Describe problems and how I fixed them
    • Include my design files and ‘hero shot’ of the result


    What I Intend to do this week is to Use the Pancake machine to produce from it something I want

    So I think it would be an Amzing Week So let's Keep Up

    First Thing We need To make this work is of Course the Pancake Itself

    For me I brought this Product from Our Supermarket ,It's Cheap and Easy To make

    Then Brought the Pancake Machine

    Start To open the Box To Assemble tha Machine

    That The Photo Before Assembling

    Start to Assemble the Machine

    Don't Forget to Connect the Oven

     Go For It

    Now go for the best part

    Bring the Pancake and start to Put it in the Dish

    the Ratio Between water and Pancake I used is (250 gm of pancake : 300 ml of water )

    Start to put the water slowly and keep turning the mixture

    Keep Turning

    Here is What we need

    Start To Put the Mixtur in the bottle ( It's Come with the Machine)

    Put the Bottle in it's place in the machine as the following

    And Now be ready for the Next Part


    To Draw some Shapes and output a G-Code you nedd to instal This Software Called "Pancake Printer"

    After You install the Software open it and start to play with it

    After you finsigh with Drawing You will have to make your Prefrences

    For me because it's the first time opearate the machine , I played with Prefrences

    then output the Draw as G-Code and put in the Memory card and put it in the machine

    Then Opearate the machine and Enjoy

    The Result wasn't Very good because my Prefrence wasn't very acurate if you want better Result just play with the Prefrences