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    I'm always atracting to Light Systems and light shows, and always want to make something like thoese light system into my home

    So I start Looking fro something to do realated to what I love, and after Searching I found the Nano-Leaf Light

    So Idecided to make the Nano-Leaf but in Simple and Cheap way


    Before I start to make the Project I should orgnize my thoughts and Think how would I like to be my Project

    So I start to make brain Storming and Put all the things I want on the board and later we will see which things we want to have and which things we will give away

    so I start to make some Tests Begin in week 8 HERE

    int Led2 = 10;
    int Led1 = 9;
    int Led3 = 2;
    int Led4 = 8;
    int Led5 = 3;
    int Pushbutton = 7;
     void setup() {
      pinMode (Led1 , OUTPUT);
      pinMode (Led2 , OUTPUT);
      pinMode (Led3 , OUTPUT);
      pinMode (Led4 , OUTPUT);
      pinMode (Led5 , OUTPUT);
      pinMode (Pushbutton , INPUT);
      digitalWrite(Led1 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , LOW); 
        digitalWrite(Led5 , LOW); 
        digitalWrite(Pushbutton , 1);
    void loop() {
    digitalWrite(Led1 , HIGH);
      delay (300);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , HIGH);
      delay (300);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , HIGH);
      delay (300);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , HIGH);
      delay (300);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , HIGH);
      delay (300);
      digitalWrite(Pushbutton , HIGH);
      delay (300);
      digitalWrite(Led1 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , LOW);
      delay (300);
    /*  ------------------- */
      digitalWrite(Led1 , HIGH);
      delay (250);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , HIGH);
      delay (250);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , HIGH);
      delay (250);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , HIGH);
      delay (250);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , HIGH);
      delay (250);
      digitalWrite(Pushbutton , HIGH);
      delay (250);
      digitalWrite(Led1 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , LOW);
      delay (250);
      /*------------------ */
      digitalWrite(Led1 , HIGH);
      delay (200);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , HIGH);
      delay (200);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , HIGH);
      delay (200);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , HIGH);
      delay (200);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , HIGH);
      delay (200);
      digitalWrite(Pushbutton , HIGH);
      delay (200);
      digitalWrite(Led1 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , LOW);
      delay (200);
      /*--------------- */
      digitalWrite(Led1 , HIGH);
      delay (150);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , HIGH);
      delay (150);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , HIGH);
      delay (150);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , HIGH);
      delay (150);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , HIGH);
      delay (150);
      digitalWrite(Pushbutton , HIGH);
      delay (150);
      digitalWrite(Led1 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , LOW);
      delay (150);
      digitalWrite(Led1 , HIGH);
      delay (100);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , HIGH);
      delay (100);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , HIGH);
      delay (100);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , HIGH);
      delay (100);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , HIGH);
      delay (100);
      digitalWrite(Pushbutton , HIGH);
      delay (100);
      digitalWrite(Led1 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , LOW);
      delay (100);
      /* ----------------- */
        digitalWrite(Led1 , HIGH);
      delay (50);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , HIGH);
      delay (50);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , HIGH);
      delay (50);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , HIGH);
      delay (50);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , HIGH);
      delay (50);
      digitalWrite(Pushbutton , HIGH);
      delay (50);
      digitalWrite(Led1 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led2 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led3 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led4 , LOW);
      digitalWrite(Led5 , LOW);
      delay (50);

    The Logic of the code is too simple , All I made is to make the lamps turn on and turn off every beriod of time

    I strte to make a simple version of code to test the pins and the function of the code

    so from that I can Begin and make my own custom Circuit, All I want is to add blutooth and other Component and see the Result, So I will made a prototyping Circuit and fabricate it and see what it will End to

      PCB Prototyping

    Making the Schematic

    So now I'm making the Prototype Circuit

    I used the Circuit that I made in the Week 14

    Fabricate & Soldering

    So Start fabricate the PCB

    and now for the Result

    after that I wired the Components


    Uploading Plinking Code

                                           #define white 8
    #define red 7
    #define green 3
    #define blue 9
    void setup() {
      pinMode(white, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(red, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(green, OUTPUT);
    void loop() {
      digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(red, LOW);
      digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(green, LOW);
      digitalWrite(white, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(white, LOW);

    And then we added the Bluetooth

    SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 1); // RX, TX
    #define white 8
    #define red 7
    #define green 3
    #define blue 0
    unsigned int incomingData;
    unsigned int incomingData1;
    unsigned int incomingDataRAW;
    int whiteColorIntensity = 0;
    int previousIncomingData;
    void setup() {
      pinMode(white, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(red, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(green, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(blue, OUTPUT);
    void loop() {
      if (mySerial.available() >= 2 ) // receive number from bluetooth
        incomingData =;
        incomingData1 =;
        incomingDataRAW = (incomingData1 * 256) + incomingData;
        if (incomingDataRAW > 4) {
          whiteColorIntensity = incomingDataRAW;
          incomingDataRAW = previousIncomingData;
      if (incomingDataRAW == 1) {
        previousIncomingData = incomingDataRAW;
        digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(red, LOW);
        digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(green, LOW);
        digitalWrite(blue, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(blue, LOW);
        digitalWrite(white, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(white, LOW);
      else if (incomingDataRAW == 2) {
        previousIncomingData = incomingDataRAW;
        digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(red, LOW);
        digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(green, LOW);
        digitalWrite(blue, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(blue, LOW);
        digitalWrite(white, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(white, LOW);
      else if (incomingDataRAW == 3) {
        previousIncomingData = incomingDataRAW;
        analogWrite(white, whiteColorIntensity);
      else if (incomingDataRAW == 0) {
        digitalWrite(red, LOW);
        digitalWrite(green, LOW);
        digitalWrite(blue, LOW);
        digitalWrite(white, LOW);

    And Let's see the Video

    Mobile Application building

    I designed my Code on App Inventor

    for more information you can Visit Week 8

      Enclosure Prototyping

    In this part I made Alot of Enclosures Prototypees

    and Decided to Conteniue the Prototyping with the Hexagonal Shape

    I wouldn't go in detail how I made It You will see How I made the Final one Later on

    I put the Prototyping Board into our Prototyping Enclosure To Se the Result

    And Let's see the Video

    So Finally It Works Every thing Is Ok now, We Shouldn't have Trouble in the next Stage Right ?!

      Enclosure Production

    after the Phase of Prototyping and Testing, I'm now have a clear Vision of what I should do

    Lest's Update our Board shall we

    So we will make our Enclosure on the Shape of Rectangle not Hexagonal

    our Design will be mainly Saperated intoTwo part the Base and the Top

    the Base will holding the PCB and the Components and the Top Will Holding the Acrylic

    So I will Begin with Designing


    Open Fusion 360 and make Sketch and Begin to Draw ( don't Worry I will leave the Files Down Below)

    And The Extruding the Base Bart of the Shape

    And Then making the top part of our Enclosure and Join it Together

    And after Rendering the Project Should Look Like This

    Printing And Cutting

    After I finished the Design I Sent the Stl File to Prusa Machine To Printed the Enclosure

    the Printig Should Look Like This

    and Now Let's Move to the Acrylic Top and Sides ( as I told You the Liks to all my Designs you will find it Down Below)

    I used 3mm White Acrilic To Difuse the Light (If you want to Difuse the Light more Further you can sand it a little )

    the Parts are Consists of Top And Side

    That's the Top acrylic Difuser

    And the Side Part

    Outer Box & the Enclosure

    After Fabricating all the parts I will Assemble the Design Together

    Then I made an Outer Acrylic BOx to Put the Project in it

    Don't worry Also I Put the Design of the Box Down Below

    and Let's take a look on the Customer Experience

      Electronics Production

    Basicly I made Alot of PCB's this Time because There is problems shown in our way so Keep Up With me

    PCB V1

    What I want From this PCB in this Version is To have A mic in it and also have Separated Parts (Controller & light)

    So let's go to the schematic and Mic

    So Let's Export As png and fabricate the PCB

    Let's Send File To Modela and fabricate the PCB

    But Unfortunately This PCB didn't Work For Two Reasons

    The First Reason was that the Separte PCB's Was not Quit Effecient

    The Second was the the Bluetooth Can't Opearate with out Crystal

    So I have to Build Another one

    PCB V2

    To Prevent More Talking I will Leave the Final Schamatic and board Down

    So I made a new Version of my PCB Have Contain Mic And doesn't Contain the Mic

    So Let's Solder

    Then Let's see the PCB after Soldering

    Then Let's Hook the Bluetooth


    Now Every thing Work just fine, Then Let's See the Result

    And Here is how the Aurora Work

    and Here is the Presentation Video , Cool Isn't it ?!

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      Important Ques?

    What's The next step ?

    I really enjoyed working on this project and I look forward to:

    • Add integration to an existing task management tool
    • Add Touch Sensor that's allow to Activiate Aurora BY HAND
    • Add Microphone to Interact with Music
    • Add More Devices (AURORA Modules)

    What Worked what Not ?

    Actually as I saied that I want to add A microphone detection with my board So I made the board but Evenually It didn't Work, I think the Problem was in the integration Between boards

    How was it Evaluated ?

    The Evaluation was According to the Following (The pair minimum Features)

    1- Is the PCB Working or Not (Lightning in the Three Diffrents modes) ?

    2- The Enclosure Was Finished or Not ?

    3- Is the Enclosure used to made it what we learnt in digital fabricaation ?

    4- Is it good finish Looking ?

    5- Is it meet the pair minimum requirement for a Final Project ?

    And the Answer is Yes I passed the Evaluation of the Project and Continue on devolping It.

    What are the Impacts of this Project ?

    The Importance of this Project are Summarized in three things

    1- This Project is Cheapest one in it's Category (The Total project is under 10$)

    2- It's the Future of the Light systems

    3- The functionalty of the project make it Used in Diffrent setuations Like (Parties-Normal Light's etc.....)