Week Twelve: Output Devices


add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed and program it to do something

Week Twelve: Output Devices Objectives

  • Design something to output - in EagleCAD
  • Make it - On the Modela
  • Program it -
  • Test it

Design Something to Output

I decided to make a breakout board for the dc motor. I used Eagle CAD for the design, mainly because I could not get the electronic functions to work on kokopelli. I wanted to design and make another breakout board with a DC motor. Basically I took Neil's design and separted the components needed for the motor and put them on a separte board. Now the board can be used with other boards.

While designing the board I could not find the H - Bridge component. With the help of Adam Harris, I noticed the bridge had the same footprint used the ATTINY 45. I used the ATTINY 45 layout However, when I tried to connect to the pins in the schematic the program would not let me. So I went into the layout and connected the wires. Furthermore, the two boards are on the same file saving cut time.

Eagle CAD schematic

Eagle CAD board layout

PNG board layout

PNG traces

Make it

Once I exported the schematics to a PNG file I uploaded the traces and the border to the fab modules. I milled out the boards with no problem. I am a lot more comfortable milling boards. I did the usual, got the components ready. However, getting the boards off the table of the mill was pressing. I used waaaaay to much tape. It took a rather long time to seperate the pcb from the table and ended up breaking the rest of the PCB.

I soldered up the ATTINY44 board with no problem. I was soldering the motor breakout board and I noticed the feet of the H-Bridge did not touch the pads on the board. Instead of stressing the chip I decided to use a heat gun. This was the first time I used it to take a component off. I was a bit skeptical, however, it worked like a charm. Then soldered the rest.

Program it

I first programmed the breakout board with Neil's code. I noticed the motor only ran when the FabISP was pluged into the computer. I asked the local expert Denny. Denny suggested it may be with the RST pin. I checked the voltage on the RST pin with the 9 volt plug in and with out there was a discrepence. However, it worked when it was plugged into the computer.

Then I tweaked it to run at full thottle.

Test it

Neil Gershenfeld's program running on the breakout board video.

Full Throttle video


  1. http://academy.cba.mit.edu/content/tutorials/akf/output_device_examples.html
  2. http://academy.cba.mit.edu/2012/students/mavros.cynthia/links.html
  3. http://octopart.com/


  1. http://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.12/people/laia.mogassoldevila/projects/p6.html

Pin layouts

  1. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-drive-a-character-LCD-displays-using-DIP-sw/?ALLSTEPS