Printing my 3D model

Previous: Making my 3D model

The 3D printers at out lab are ultimaker 2 printers.

Below are pictures of my first two print attempts:
Attempt 1 (Left): A print I tried before adding support structures- Some of the model looks fine but others not so much
Attempt 2 (Right): A print I tried using Meshmixers’ support structure, you can see the support on the print but also that it is hollow, which would of made it collapse when it got to printing the head. I aborted this print midway through

Attempt 1                                   WP_20150302_018

Here is a video of my final print being made- note the plastics changed from red to see through green, someone at the Lab showed me how to switch over plastics.

And my final print (before and after removing structures). I was a little disapointed with it in that the green plastic was of worse quality (Also made taking pictures harder) and that the support structures didn’t seem to noticeably increase the quality of the shape over the first attempt, but at this point in the day it was too late to try again as the printers where needed for other users.

Attempt 3- with supports structures

Attempt 3- with supports structures

Attempt 3- support structures removed

Attempt 3- support structures removed











Next: 3D Scanning