About Week 4

My Electronics Production Exercise...

This week assignment was about Electronics Production and in particular to make the FabISP in-circuit programmer: milling the board, stuffing it with components and finaly program it. As reported in tutorial "the FabISP is an in-system programmer for AVR microcontrollers, designed for production within a FabLab. It allows you to program the microcontrollers on other boards you make".

The first step was to download the board traces "" and board outline ""

I imported them in Inkscape, I vectorized the png, I signed it and I putted a red border for cutting

Ready for engraving and cutting...

Thanks to the experimentations made by Enrico Bassi, in OpenDot it is possible to use a Trotec laser cutter machine to engrave and cut FR-1 sheets. This laser cutter has two different kind of laser beams, CO2 and fiber. We used fiber laser to engrave and completely remove copper from the FR-1 surface, and C02 laser to cut the board. With the support of my collegue Daniele Ingrassia I've produced my FabISP: as I'm new with electronic production two copies are better!

it is time to stuff it with components....Before starting I collected several soldering tutorials and tips, and discussed with my collegue Daniele. For the step by step soldering process I followed Fab Academy tutorial.

After long several steps I realized that two 100 ohm resistor were missing and I was at home! My mistake was not to check and prepare all components from my component box. I remembered of some board of a broken fax and I searched for two resistors with code 1000. I found them with code (after checking SMD resistor code) 101, one very smaller. I desoldered and used them.

Once soldered all components and verified with a multimeter possible short circuits and I made my Smoke Test: OK!

It was time to program FabISP. To do this I used an Arduino UNO as programmer. I downloaded the firmware and installed WinAVR. I've done a backup of my System PATH variables as suggested in tutorial but after installation I realized in my Windows 7 OS that the installation maintained my PATH variable configuration.

Inside the Makefile for the configuration of FabISP firmware, after checking the port of my Arduino , I modified the following line:

AVRDUDE = avrdude -c stk500v1 -b19200 -P COM4 -p $(DEVICE)

I connected Arduino and my FabISP as reported on the top of comment section of ArduinoISP sketch:

// slave reset: 10

// MOSI: 11

// MISO: 12

// SCK: 13

My first try failed because I forgot to upload the Arduino sketch! Once uploaded I restarted the programming steps

  • > make clean
  • > make hex
  • > make fuse
  • > make program

D:\FabAcademy_Files\ElectronicProduction\firmware\fabISP_mac.0.8.2_firmware>make clean
rm -f main.hex main.lst main.obj main.cof main.list main.map main.eep.hex main.elf *.o usbdrv/*.o main.s usbdrv/oddebug.s usbdrv/usbdrv.s

D:\FabAcademy_Files\ElectronicProduction\firmware\fabISP_mac.0.8.2_firmware>make hex
avr-gcc -Wall -Os -DF_CPU=20000000       -Iusbdrv -I. -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -mmcu=attiny44 -c usbdrv/usbdrv.c -o usbdrv/usbdrv.o
avr-gcc -Wall -Os -DF_CPU=20000000       -Iusbdrv -I. -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -mmcu=attiny44 -x assembler-with-cpp -c usbdrv/usbdrvasm.s -o usbdrv/usbdrvasm.o
avr-gcc -Wall -Os -DF_CPU=20000000       -Iusbdrv -I. -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -mmcu=attiny44 -c usbdrv/oddebug.c -o usbdrv/oddebug.o
avr-gcc -Wall -Os -DF_CPU=20000000       -Iusbdrv -I. -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -mmcu=attiny44 -c main.c -o main.o
avr-gcc -Wall -Os -DF_CPU=20000000       -Iusbdrv -I. -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -mmcu=attiny44 -o main.elf usbdrv/usbdrv.o usbdrv/usbdrvasm.o usbdrv/oddebug.o main.o
rm -f main.hex main.eep.hex
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex main.elf main.hex
avr-size main.hex
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
      0    2050       0    2050     802 main.hex

D:\FabAcademy_Files\ElectronicProduction\firmware\fabISP_mac.0.8.2_firmware>make fuse
avrdude -c stk500v1 -b19200 -P COM4 -p attiny44 -U hfuse:w:0xDF:m -U lfuse:w:0xFF:m

avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny44
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.07s

avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9207
avrdude: reading input file "0xDF"
avrdude: writing hfuse (1 bytes):

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 0.01s

avrdude: 1 bytes of hfuse written
avrdude: verifying hfuse memory against 0xDF:
avrdude: load data hfuse data from input file 0xDF:
avrdude: input file 0xDF contains 1 bytes
avrdude: reading on-chip hfuse data:

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.02s

avrdude: verifying ...
avrdude: 1 bytes of hfuse verified
avrdude: reading input file "0xFF"
avrdude: writing lfuse (1 bytes):

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 0.06s

avrdude: 1 bytes of lfuse written
avrdude: verifying lfuse memory against 0xFF:
avrdude: load data lfuse data from input file 0xFF:
avrdude: input file 0xFF contains 1 bytes
avrdude: reading on-chip lfuse data:

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.02s

avrdude: verifying ...
avrdude: 1 bytes of lfuse verified

avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude done.  Thank you.

D:\FabAcademy_Files\ElectronicProduction\firmware\fabISP_mac.0.8.2_firmware>make program
avrdude -c stk500v1 -b19200 -P COM4 -p attiny44 -U flash:w:main.hex:i

avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny44
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.07s

avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9207
avrdude: NOTE: FLASH memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
         To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude: erasing chip
avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny44
avrdude: reading input file "main.hex"
avrdude: writing flash (2050 bytes):

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 3.49s

avrdude: 2050 bytes of flash written
avrdude: verifying flash memory against main.hex:
avrdude: load data flash data from input file main.hex:
avrdude: input file main.hex contains 2050 bytes
avrdude: reading on-chip flash data:

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 2.52s

avrdude: verifying ...
avrdude: 2050 bytes of flash verified

avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude done.  Thank you.

avrdude -c stk500v1 -b19200 -P COM4 -p attiny44 -U hfuse:w:0xDF:m -U lfuse:w:0xFF:m

avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny44
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.07s

avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9207
avrdude: reading input file "0xDF"
avrdude: writing hfuse (1 bytes):

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 0.02s

avrdude: 1 bytes of hfuse written
avrdude: verifying hfuse memory against 0xDF:
avrdude: load data hfuse data from input file 0xDF:
avrdude: input file 0xDF contains 1 bytes
avrdude: reading on-chip hfuse data:

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.02s

avrdude: verifying ...
avrdude: 1 bytes of hfuse verified
avrdude: reading input file "0xFF"
avrdude: writing lfuse (1 bytes):

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 0.03s

avrdude: 1 bytes of lfuse written
avrdude: verifying lfuse memory against 0xFF:
avrdude: load data lfuse data from input file 0xFF:
avrdude: input file 0xFF contains 1 bytes
avrdude: reading on-chip lfuse data:

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.02s

avrdude: verifying ...
avrdude: 1 bytes of lfuse verified

avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude done.  Thank you.


I tested if FabISP has been recognized by Windows 7 but I realized that no drivers were available despite I've installed it following the step by step Fab Academy tutorial. So I retried to provide drivers by selecting the drivers path and finally it recognized without drivers errors:

The final step was to remove the SJ1 zero ohm resistor and SJ2 solder jumpers in order to make the FabISP to be a programmer


Fab Academy - Class schedule 2015

Week 1

Principles and Practices

Week 2

Computer-Aided Design

Week 3

Computer-Controlled Cutting

Week 4

Electronics Production

Week 5

3D Scanning and Printing

Week 8

Computer-controlled machining

Week 13

Networking and Communications

Week 14

Interface and application programming

Week 15

Mechanical Design, Machine Design

Week 16

Applications and Implications

Week 17

Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

More information and suggestions

please Keep in Touch!