Caution! José Figueroa at FabAcademy 2013
Weekly report of my work at FabLab Barcelona
Week 13: Output Devices

This week we had the output devices lecture. This is a topic I have some familiarity with due to a couple of courses back in college. But for the homework, being that I caught a flu and I wanted to work on my homework of "making something big" which I hadn't done yet, I did a simple board from the examples, the Hello RGB LED board. I milled id, soldered it and loaded Neil's program, which came out pretty cool. I had never worked with RGB LEDs before, so it was cool to see how colors change in such a simple manner as changing PWM signals of the three different LEDs inside the RGB. Below there are some pictures and a video, nothing special, I hope I'll make something interesting in the future.
