Caution! José Figueroa at FabAcademy 2013
Weekly report of my work at FabLab Barcelona
Applications and Implications

1) What will it do?

A “dancing” lamp: It will change rotation speed and light intensity according to sound (preferably music).

2) What materials and components will be required?

Electronically it will have a microcontroller board, a sensor board, and a power distribution board. Electrically it will have a DC motor and a light source which might be a LED (or some LEDs). Mechanically it will consist of a casing, a lamp, a pair of gears attached to the DC motor and the lamp.

3) Where will they come from?

The electronic components will be purchased from digikey. The rest of the components are either available at the fab lab or will be made.

4) How much will it cost?

he electronic components will cost 23 euros bought at digikey.

5) What parts and systems will be made?

The casing, gears, lamp and electronic boards will be made at the fablab.

6) What processes will be used?

For the casing I will use a press-fit box made of laser-cut material found at the fablab. The electronic boards will be milled using the Roland Modela milling machine. The lamp would be made at a 3D printer or out of a molding and casting process. The programming would most probably be made using the Arduino and Processing IDE.

7) What tasks need to be completed?

The exact measurements of the lamp and box need to be made. The milling of the boards will be made once the electronic parts arrive from the digikey order. In the meantime, I am working on the programming of the microcontroller, which might involve Fast Fourier Transform algorithm for calculating the frequency of the sound acquired from the sound sensor.

8) What questions need to be answered?

Will there be enough space in the microcontroller for the FFT algorithm code and other tasks? Will I need to outsource some code to the laptop? Will only one opamp suffice in the sound sensor board? Will I make it on time?

9) What is the schedule?

I will work on an intensive two week schedule, starting Wednesday 15th of May.

10) How will it be evaluated?

One part will be the correct interaction between the mechanical, electronic, electrical and coding subsystems of the project. The other part would be the correct functioning of the project, according to the goals thought of so far.