PID controller demo

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This project is no longer developed. A 2.0 version in collaboration with Bas Pijls and based on a XIAO ESP32-C3 is located here


From PID controller - Wikipedia: A proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller or three-term controller) is a control loop mechanism employing feedback that is widely used in industrial control systems and a variety of other applications requiring continuously modulated control. A PID controller continuously calculates an error value e(t) as the difference between a desired setpoint (SP) and a measured process variable (PV) and applies a correction based on proportionalintegral, and derivative terms (denoted PI, and D respectively), hence the name.

This demo device will balance a ping-pong ball in the middle of the see-saw. It uses a distance sensor to measures the distance between the ball and a known location. This results in an error from the desired distance. It uses a servo motor to tip the see-saw to the left or to the right, so gravity will move the ball closer to the desired location.

This repository contains all design files if you plan to build it yourself.

Project Background

This project started with a side-remark of Saco Heijboer , one of Waag’s FabAcademy 2022 students. He would like to learn more about PID controllers, so I decided to incorporate it into my course material.


$$ f(t) = K_{p} \cdot error_{(t)} $$


$$ f(t) = K_{i} \cdot \int_{0}^{t}error_{(t)},dt $$


$$ f(t) = K_{d} \cdot \frac{derror_{(t)}}{dt} $$


$$ f(t) = K_{p} \cdot error_{(t)} + K_{i} \cdot \int_{0}^{t}error_{(t)}, d t + K_{d} \cdot \frac{derror_{(t)}}{d t} $$


The demo device can be made with all techniques available at a FabAcademy node. Apart from the sensor, also all components are in the stock inventory.

Bill Of Materials

quantity description details
1 multiplex 3mm 300 x 400 mm
1 PLA filament XXX g
3 potmeter 10k Ohm 10 kOhm
4 lever switch STPT
1 Arduino Uno
1 Servo motor MG905
1 Distance sensor GP2Y0A41SK0F
2 jack plug 3.5 mm chassis 3-way female
2 jack plug 3.5 mm 3-way male
1 wire AWG26 red-white-black 3-way 750 mm
1 wire AWG26 red-orange-brown 3-way 750 mm
1 misc. wire 1 m
quantity description design file remarks
1 Laser-cut cabinet http
2 guide rails http
1 endstop w/ sensor http
1 endstop w/o sensor http
1 guide hinge http
1 support hinge http
1 support http
1 motor


The source code can be found here: