18. Invention, intellectual property and income

This assignment was done after the completion of my Final Project and therefore all the content is from there.

Dissemination Plan of Final Project

  • I developped this project for me to learn the processess of Fab lab, and in my journey to complete it I have Borrowed ideas and work from some places. Therefore I have decided to make my work freely available and can be accessed on on my Fab lab page where it is well documented.

  • People who are looking to get a basic good understanding of the Fab lab processes could really benefit from my work.


  • As previously mentioned, I wish to make my work freely available so that other people can learn from the documentation on my Fab lab page in order to contribute to their work. For that reason I have decided to use creative commons license and under this Attribution Share Alike type of license is what I would like to use as it let’s others remix, transform, and build upon my work for any purpose, even commercially as long as they credit the owner of the work.

  • For the software part of my project I have decided to go with MIT license which allows people to freely use or modify my code.

Presentation Slide

Presentation video