idesign | Dhruv patel

Week 13 : Assignment

  • Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered

Final project

My final project is to design an Interactive Dustbin system. I divided this project into two phases.

In Phase 1 dustbin System will be able to detect the presence of the individual, will be able to open and close by itself and try to manage the garbage by measuring its quantity inside. This part I am going to do in a fab lab, if I will able to complete it earlier I will work on Phase 2, if not I will keep it as my final project. project.

In Phase 2, I want to make this system for commercial application in which dustbin will be owned by the Shopkeepers and for trusts who manages Historical sites. In that model, I am thinking about a point system which will give points after use, and those points will give help to give discounts in nearby shops.

Dividing in 2 phases

Initially, my idea was to make One commercial model. One can check the project model on the Final project Concept. There I described it in detail.

The Reason to divide into phases is I found I may have problems regarding the programming the system. I know the basics in Arduino C and C programming, but for programming, the RFID module will need me more learning time, though I prepared my final board the way I can easily add the RFID - module so if some time left I can work on that also.

Who has done beforehand ?

There are many examples where people tried to do automation in the dustbin. in some projects, they use the ultrasonic sensor and the servo to make the opening open or close by detecting a disturbance. In one project one used Mic with Arduino and servo, it will detect the sound and open the Opening. he is controlling a servo with drivers.

One project is very similar to what I am thinking for phase one. it includes an LCD module, Ultrasonic sensor, Infrared sensor with Arduino. They are using an Infrared sensor to detect the objects and an Ultrasonic sensor to measure the quantity.

Links for all the ideas Are below :

These projects were amazing I gain a more clear perspective after watching these videos, But these are personal projects and done for only a short demonstration of the system, not for public use. What I want to implement here is I want to modify this system for Public use, People will not use/buy it if it is not looking good enough or it not reliable, and manufacturers will not manufacture if it is not convenient for sale or convenient for make.

What will I design?

As I mentioned above I wanted to make one system that is complete or semi-Automated. For phase one I am making it complete Automated, this Ultrasonic sensor will detect for disturbance or object continuously, When it will detect objects in between some distance it will trigger the Motor to open the dustbin..

For phase - 2 I will like to make it semi-automatic. I will not give power continuously to the Ultrasonic instead I will add one push button for the people so system can start, it is more convient udea for me for the commercial use.

Initial designs

First Picture

The below image was the first picture of what I wanted to make in the final project. I wanted to make wireless communication between the dustbin and the main controller. if someone pushes the button dust bin will open, after throwing the trash bin will give points using the RFID - mmodule.

Full description is here.

Flow chart

This is a complete algorithmic description. I divided This into two Phases. The reason I added Arduino here because I didn't know I will able to make my one! I made my new board which is able to be programmed like Arduino. the board has an ATmega 328p microcontroller. I have uploaded my board design after the Cad part below.

Cad designs

For now, I am working on my cad model which can be used in the real world.

Material : MDF
Joints : Finger Joints
Actual Dimentions : 350 * 350 * 500 mm
Prototype Dimentions : 100 * 100 * 150 mm

parametric Design

One good thing in this model is it is based on Parametric design. I have control of every dimension here including the dimensions of finger joints and its numbers. Below is a video for the demonstration.

Design challanges

My Design challenge is to make a mechanism that can manage the opening and closing of the Dustbin in a controlled way. The real model opening will have some weight and I have to work against it for smooth opening.

I need high torque and an effective mechanism that can transfer torque and reduce the load on the motor. initial when I was new to all of this I thought servo will be good for my application, but I change my plans to DC motors, I will use Limiting switches for controlling power input in dc_motor.

Below is an initial sketch of the design. It will not work though. Here ultrasonic can detect whether a dustbin is full or not.

Models I designed earlier

Final project proposal model

WEEK 3 cad design model

Electronics Design

In the electronic part, I have to trigger the DC input with help of an Ultrasonic sensor, Idea is to use an Ultrasonic sensor for detection of any movement in the range of 15 cm, after that, it will give signals to the dc driver and Dc motor open the Dustbin since I am using the DC motor I have no angle precision on the programming like servos, so I am using LIMIT SWITCHES to control the power input in Driver.

Click here to see Final board design.

Programming part

I am doing programming on the Arduino c. In the Programming part, I have to set the relation between Driver, Ultrasonic, and limiting Switch.

materials and components


  • MDF For Body
  • PLA/ABS for controll box
  • Hinges


  • DC Motor
  • DC Driver - L293d
  • LCD
  • Ultrasonic sensor / infraredsensor (4)
  • RFID module

Material cost

Material Cost (Approx)
MDF Rs.1000
RFID Module Rs.355
Hinges (2) Rs.40 per piece
3d Printed parts Rs.200 per piece
DC Motor Rs.170 per piece
Ultrasonic sensor (2) Rs.100 per piece
LCD Rs. 125
TOTAL Rs 2000

Parts And System will be made

  • Dustbin frame
  • Controller box for electronics components
  • Final board for System

Resources and their use

Resources Use of resources
Milling Machine Dustbin Design
3D Printer Controller case & Dustbin
PCB Milling machine Final board Design
Arduino / Ultra sonic sensor / infrared sensor /
Transceiver circuitry / Micro controller-8051 or Atmega / LCD
Circuit Design
Vynyl Cutter Logo making

What questions need to be answered ?

  • Is the system is able to work for public use ?
  • Is system is working properly as Whole ?
  • Is system is able to work for commercial usage ? (For Phase 2)

How it will be evaluated ?

My project is done by many individual as I mentioned above, but what I wanter to achieve here is to make it available for the people. It should be evaluated on the basis of reliablity and its working, as I said I wanted to make it Sensors will handle the system. The system is reliable so that it can work for a long time.