Assignment 13

Networking and Communications

As for my final project I want to have two boards that can communicate I wanted to get this working this week already: Therefore, I built a board that controls the waterpump for the watering place of my final project. I designed the board using eagle. Underneath you can see the schematic and the board file of this board.

Schematic and Board

All components used on the Waterpump board after it was milled:
1. 1 x Attiny 45
2. 1 x 100nF SMD Capacitor
3. 2 x 1kΩ SMD Resistor
4. 1 x 1000Ω SMD Resistor
5. 1 x green SMD LED
6. 2 x 3 Pinheader SMD
7. 2 x 2 Pinheader SMD
8. 1 x 2 Pinheader
9. 1 x Mosfet SOT-23

Soldering the board.

Attiny and ISP Header are soldered.

Finished soldered board with power. Power LED shows that the board receives power.

Networking Protocols to Communicate
Pulse Width Modulation

The definition of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is: modulating the width of the pulse. To best understand what PWM is, let us first see some basic terminologies. Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is used for controlling the amplitude of digital signals in order to control devices and applications requiring power or electricity. It controls the amount of power that is given to a device by cycling the on-and-off phases of a digital signal quickly and varying the width of the "on" phase or duty cycle. To the device, this would appear as a steady power input with an average voltage value, which is the result of the percentage of the on time.
A very powerful benefit of PWM is that power loss is very minimal. Compared to regulating power levels using an analog potentiometer to limit the power output, PWM actually turns off the power output rather than limits it. Usage can be e.g. controlling DC motors or heating elements.


The Attiny45 also includes two pins to be able to communicate via I2C protocol. These pins are called SCL (serial clock) & SDA (serial data). I2C always needs one processor to be the master and at least one other processor has to be the slave. But multiple slaves are also possible.
With I2C, you can connect multiple slaves to a single master and you can have multiple masters controlling single, or multiple slaves. Since only two wires are required, I2C is well suited for boards with many devices connected on the bus.


Basic I2C communication is using 8 bits. Each I2C slave device has a 7-bit address that needs to be unique on the bus. If bit 0 (in the address byte) is set to 1 then the master device will read from the slave I2C device. Master device have no address since it generates the clock (via SCL) and addresses individual I2C slave devices. Any microcontroller can communicate with I2C devices even if it has no special I2C interface. To make I2C work using ArduinoIDE use the following libray: Wire. Have a look at the link to find the commands in detail and an example. I tried to make the I2C work for an Atmega328 and an Attiny45. There is a lot of documentation online, that shows how to make this protocol work. But I struggled especially for the Attiny as the libraries for I2C communication differ a lot. I was sadly not able to make the connection work.
Therefore, I decided to use a serial connection and a bluetooth module to communicate between two processors.
Programming Communication

Bluetooth-Serial Connection

I wrote two programs, one in the Arduino IDE for the microcontroller and one App in Processing to setup a bluetooth-serial communication between two processors. For the bluetooth communication I used an HC-05 module (Datasheet) for the bluetooth communication. To test if the overall setup of the bluetooth serial connection works I used the Arduino Uno as the board first. Afterwards, I programmed my self-built board.

Arduino Uno Test
Arduino IDE

                    // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
                    void setup() {

                      Serial.begin(9600); // 9600 baudrate of the HC-05 Bluetooth module
                      pinMode(4, OUTPUT);


                    void On(){
                     digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

                    void Off(){
                     digitalWrite(4, LOW);
                     // delay(15);

                    // the loop function runs over and over again forever
                    void loop() {

                    while(Serial.available()) {
                      int command =;


                      if (command == 49){
                      else {
                        if(command == 48) {


Processing App
The processing App was used to send controls to the bluetooth module which controls if the waterpump is turned on or off. The interface of the app basically just shows a window with a button underneath to change the state of the waterpump and has two states (Waterpump on/off). The processing App also sets up the bluetooth communication with the HC-05 module, i.e. it chooses the HC-05 module in the connected bluetooth devices list of the Mac to send data to it.


                    import processing.serial.*;
                    import processing.dxf.*;

                    boolean toggle = true;

                    PImage WaterpumpOn;
                    PImage WaterpumpOff;

                    int width = 1460;
                    int height = 900;

                    Serial myPort;
                    int portNumber;

                    void setup() {
                      size(1460, 900, P3D);
                      WaterpumpOn = loadImage("Off.png");
                      WaterpumpOn.resize(width, height);
                      WaterpumpOff = loadImage("On.png");
                      WaterpumpOff.resize(width, height);
                      image(WaterpumpOn, 0, 0);
                      for (int i=0; i< Serial.list().length; i++) {
                        if (Serial.list()[i].length() > 17) {
                           if(Serial.list()[i].equals("/dev/tty.HC-05-SPPDev")) {
                            portNumber = i;
                            String j = str(i);

                      String portName = Serial.list()[portNumber];
                      myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);


                    void draw() {

                    void mousePressed() {
                      if (toggle) {
                        image(WaterpumpOn, 0, 0);
                      } else {
                        image(WaterpumpOff, 0, 0);
                      toggle = !toggle;

How to set up the connection:
1. Uploaded the Arduino IDE program onto the Arduino.

2. Connected the Arduino Uno and the bluetooth module the following way:
  • GND - GND
  • VCC - VCC
  • RX (Arduino) - TX (Bluetooth module)
  • RX (Bluetooth module) - TX (Arduino)

3. Connected the Arduino board with a power supply.

4. Connected my Mac with the HC-05 bluetooth module.

5. Started the Processing App. When you start the App the LED is turned off. When clicking onto the button the interface you can turn on the LED. Clicking again turns off the LED again.

Processing App: Both statuses of the App to turn on/off the app.

6. Watched the incoming values the bluetooth module receives from the Mac. They are shown in the Arduino IDE serial monitor.

Using Self-Built Board
Arduino IDE
The Arduino IDE program sets up the serial communication between my self-built board and my serial port of the Mac. In the serial Monitor of the Arduino IDE I could see the commands that were received by the bluetooth module from the Mac and then used on the board to control the waterpump in my later project and in this scenario the LED.

                    const int rx=0;
                    const int tx=1;

                    SoftwareSerial mySerial(rx,tx);

                    // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
                    void setup() {
                      pinMode(rx, INPUT);
                      pinMode(tx, OUTPUT);
                      mySerial.begin(9600); // 9600 baudrate of the HC-05 Bluetooth module
                      pinMode(4, OUTPUT);

                    void On(){
                     digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

                    void Off(){
                     digitalWrite(4, LOW);
                     // delay(15);

                    // the loop function runs over and over again forever
                    void loop() {

                    while(mySerial.available()) {
                      int command =;


                      if (command == 49){
                      else {
                        if(command == 48) {



Processing App
The Processing App is the same as the one described above.

How to set up the connection:
1. Uploaded the Arduino IDE program onto the Attiny45 board using the Arduino as an ISP.

2. Connected the Attiny45 and the bluetooth module the following way:
  • GND - GND
  • VCC - VCC
  • RX (Attiny) - TX (Bluetooth module)
  • RX (Bluetooth module) - TX (Attiny)
3. Connected the Attiny board (board for LED control) with a power supply. E.g. connect it with batteries, or connect it to the Arduino GND/VCC pins and plug the Arduino into a power supply.

4. Connected my Mac with the HC-05 bluetooth module.

5. Started the Processing App. When you start the App the LED is turned off. When clicking onto the button the interface you can turn on the LED. Clicking again turns off the LED again.

Processing App: Both statuses of the App to turn on/off the app.

Demonstration of using the App to turn on/off the LED.