00 - concept of the final project


Development of my project.


Plan of my final project to clarify my goals.


final project 3D model - version 00

For now I'm in a kind of a of interactive pinball, consisting of two floors, the first purely analog, old school, and the upper level, where you can control the movement of the ball using proximity sensors or lights.

I'm still studying where settle down the screen to see the score, the lights and what types of piston and engines I need to run the obstacles and targets.

Definitely I'm going to use the laser cutter, the CNC and 3D printing especially for small parts and figures.

These are some screenshots of my project while modelling.



The idea is to make a game composed of a physical part and an interactive part.

The physical component is a structure that can build using laser cutting, CNC and 3D Printing for small precision components.

The interactive part will consist of sensors controlled by a microcontroller that will allow the player to move objects and have visual and audio feedback; so I definitely take into consideration servomotor, LEDs, speakers and screens, all programmed with processing.

As a designer I will design this part of the interaction taking into account the "natural interaction" (I see natural interaction as something that is directly intuitive i.e. the object tells me that I can do this, which in design theory is called an Affordance).

Lastly, if there was time, I thought to add an optional element, ie internet. It would be interesting to be able to create an additional interaction between the player with his "box" and a second connected to the game through the Internet connection of your device, mobile phone or computer..

Here are some examples and inspirations:




Window to the World (CIID/Toyota) from CIID on Vimeo.


lights or lights effects:

Cube in Cube /// Rotated Projection Mapping from G8 Labs on Vimeo.

..and sounds:

audible color from Momo Miyazaki on Vimeo.

Published on   May 15th, 2013