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7. Computer controlled machining

Group Assignment: Ensure you’ve finished safety training for your lab. Conduct tests on runout, alignment, fixturing, speeds, feeds, materials, and toolpaths for your machine. Document your progress on the group work page and share reflections on your individual page about what you’ve learned.

Individual Project: Create something substantial by designing, milling, and assembling it.

Assigmnent checklist

Item Activity Status
1 Linked to the group assignment page. Done
2 Documented how you designed your object (something big). Done
3 Documented how you made your CAM-toolpath. Done
4 Documented how you made something BIG (setting up the machine, using fixings, testing joints, adjusting feeds and speeds, depth of cut etc.). Done
5 Described problems and how you fixed them. Done
6 Included your design files and ‘hero shot’ of your final product. Done

Group Assigmnents

In this assignment, we will address the following tasks:

  • Complete your lab’s safety training
  • Test runout, alignment, fixturing, speeds, feeds, materials and toolpaths for your machine
  • Document your work to the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned

Individual Assigmnents

In this assignment, we will address the following tasks:

  • Make (design+mill+assemble) something big.


Our mission at the “Monti Kids” project is to promote the educational and social inclusion of children with special needs in the city of Arequipa, Peru. We achieve this by implementing innovative Montessori furniture adapted to their specific needs. Our goal is to provide tools and resources that foster the holistic development of these children, promoting their autonomy, creativity, and emotional well-being. Ultimately, we aim to build a more inclusive and equitable society.


We envision ourselves as leaders in promoting inclusive education for children with special needs, being recognized nationally and internationally for our innovation in designing and manufacturing adapted Montessori furniture. Our aspiration is to create a lasting impact in the lives of these children by providing them with meaningful learning opportunities and contributing to the transformation of educational systems towards more inclusive and child-centered models.


The “Montessori for All” project has the potential to generate significant impact across multiple levels:

Social Impact:

  • Foster the inclusion and acceptance of children with special needs in society.
  • Reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with differences in abilities.
  • Promote awareness and empathy towards the needs of this group of children.
Educational Impact:
  • Enhance the quality of education offered to children with special needs.
  • Provide tools and resources that stimulate cognitive, emotional, and social development. Facilitate active participation and meaningful learning in inclusive educational environments.
Individual Impact:
  • Empower the holistic development of each child, respecting their rhythms and learning styles. Improve children’s self-esteem, confidence, and autonomy by providing tools tailored to their needs.
  • Facilitate social and emotional integration by offering inclusive and supportive spaces.


Rhinoceros configuration

  1. We click on ‘Copy Model Bounding Box’ to copy the measurements of the maximum design boundaries, and then manually adjust the ‘H,’ the height, to match the chosen material thickness in the design. As a result, we see the stock box overlaid on the design.

  2. We click on ‘Align Stock’. Afterwards, we select “Top” for Z alignment and “South West” for XY alignment. In summary, we align the stock to the top southwest position. Then, we click on “OK”.

  3. We click on “Set World CS”. Afterwards, we select “Set to stock Box”, “Highest Z” for Zero Face, and “South West” for Zero Position. In summary, we position the world coordinate system at the top southwest part. Then, we click on “OK”.

  4. We’re going to define the material. Then, we select “WOOD” as the material to use, the one most similar to the MDF being used. After that, we click on “OK”.

  5. We select the operation to perform, in this case, it’s a 2 ½ axis operation. We generate the work zero point, which should be aligned with the world coordinate system and the stock box.

  1. First, we select the tool, measuring its dimensions with a vernier caliper. We subtract 1/3 of the total length of the end mill from the total length because 1/3 of the length will be inside the collet chuck. To obtain the dimensions of the end mill, we need to remove it from the CNC router. To do this, we must first remove the locking nut, then remove the collet chuck and the end mill. Next, we measure the dimensions of the end mill with the vernier caliper and inspect the type of end mill.Tool Diameter.

  2. We measure the total length of the tool, which in this case is 41mm, and subtract 1/3 of the total length, resulting in 13.6666, rounded to 14mm. We subtract 14 from 41, resulting in 27mm, which is the value that should be entered into the software as “Tool Length” or “Shoulder Length”. In this case, the length is 21mm.Flute Length - Length of the flute. Refers to the helical or spiral groove that runs the length of the cutting tool.Upon inspecting the end mill, we notice it has two flutes.

  3. As the shoulder length of the end mill is 21mm, we divide this number by 2. This will be inputted in the software as Flute Length = 10.5.End Mill TypeUpon inspecting the shape of the end mill, we find that it is a flat end mill, selecting this option in the software.

  4. We click on GENERATE.

We place the MDF sheet on the CNC router. We click on ‘Start’ to proceed with cutting our project on the machine. The pieces are ready to start assembling the sensory table.


  1. We take out our MDF board.
  2. We place it in our machine
  3. The pieces are ready to be assembled

The video below is more explanatory of the process to cut our MontiKIDS design.

We assemble and insure our furniture

Our MontiKIDS sensory furniture is ready!

Issues, musings, and learnings.

Last update: May 20, 2024