Final project description

Incubator for plants in their first phases of growth, focused on plant and gardening fanatic users with small outdoor gardens.

1.3 Final project IDEA:

Image firts idea

I want to design and manufacture an outdoor incubator as a plant greenhouse, where different types of plants can be germinated individually until their seedling phase, just before being ready to go out into the field or their final pot.

Within this incubator, different variables can be controlled such as humidity, ventilation and lighting exposure, adding to this last variable, the possibility of following the natural light of the sun by a rotating system, in order to have more lightning hours, just like the sunflowers naturally do.

Finally i would like to add some solution to take advantage of the pot during its germination an until its growth, at the moment I have no ideas, but they will come soon.

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1.4 Task: Project Managment

The table bellow shows the elements I am considering for my final project

Personal interpretation

I know that it's going to be a lot of work, and there are many topics in which I am not an expert and others that I am completely inexperienced like using parametric software such as SolidWorks. I definitely don't want to complicate it, but I do want to learn and do everything in my hands to achieve it. 

So far I have not found an incubator designed for a single plant, with the possibility of its pot growing, nor with the rotating system. I would be satisfied with 2 of the 3 options, however, I understand and wish to achieve all 3 and, if possible, add a surprise factor.