About me

Sandra G. García Pérez. Mex.

I was raised in a small town called Moroleón, in México, but now I have lived in Querétaro since i was 14. I come from a family of empirical designers and builders, so I never had creative limitations. I grew up surrounded by sewin machines, electrical equipment, tools in general. 

I studied Industrial design at fist, and then architecture at Tec de Monterrey, Querétaro. I did both by accident, back then I dinn´t know what the Industrial Design was about. Fontunately now i know it. Last year just finished a master degree in Interior Spaces Habitability ( Habitabilidad del espacio interior).

I'm currently working at the Universidad Anáhuac Querétaro teaching for designers and architects. I also have a small workplase at home with  a laser cutting machine and a 3D printer.

I am very grateful for everything i have and i have lived, and for this opportunity that i have no doubt is going to be a great and one of my biggest professional challenges.

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Sandra García PérezÂ