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Week 06 - Embedded programming

Group assignment :

  • browse through the data sheet for your microcontroller
  • compare the performance and development workflows for other architectures

Comparing Micro-controller

We chose to make a table to compare 2 micro-controller chips using datasheets and vendor documentations :

Feature RP2040 ESP32 - S3 Renesas RA4M1
Processor Dual-Core ARM Cortex MO+ Xtensa Dual-core 32bits LX7 Renesas RA4M1
Clock speed 133 Mhz 2.4 GHz 48 MHz
Memory 264kb SRAM & 2MB Flash 512Kb SRAM & 384 Kb ROM 32 kB RAM & 256 kB Flash
GPIO pins 30 30 14
Serial Interface Brown-out Detect/Reset, DMA, I2S, LCD, POR, PWM, WDT ADC, I2C, I2S, SDIO, SPI, PWM, UART UART, I2C, SPI, CAN, DAC, PWM
Analog inputs 4 20 6
Connectivity None Bluetooth 4.2 & WiFi 802.11b/g/n None
Cost 70ct 1.85$ 6.60$
Size 7x7 mmm 5x5 mm 16x16 mm

Here’s a representation of the I/O pins for each chips :

Our boards use XIAO RP2040 which is a micro-controller board using the RP2040 chip. The functionalities are slightly different such as an USB-C connector for programming and power supply.