About me

This Website is intended for the presentation of my assignments andmy Final project for the fabacademy 2022

Always ready for big adventures

Hi!!! I'm Conseiga Mohamed, I'm a student in electrical engineering, member of fablab KeoLID (Keolab) where I am responsible for 3D printing. Now I invite you to visit my site.

My passion

I'm very fond of 3D printing, it's really wonderful the work that a 3D printer can accomplish. I spend almost all my time there working on the modeling software, it'is so fascinating.

My KeolID

During the times when we are not on mission, i take part in training courses that take place within keolid, sometimes as an assistant trainer and other times as a student. I'm very active when it comes to work. I'm a field man.

My last mission at Keolib

This mission is to take place during the digital week festival in Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), we were to leave as an exhibitor and trainer for a discovery training on 3d printing. in my country 3D printing is still unknown to the general public for the moment, this training was offered by ENABEL in collaboration with KEOLID.
