Vinyl Cut Circuits

Update! KiCAD can curve Traces

KiCAD V6 can fillet traces. Marius Araújo let us know during the global open time video chat. So I looked this feature up and what do you know my friend Drew Fustini has a video on how to do this! KiCad V6: track fillets for rounded corners

CAD with Filleted and tapers

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I had some ideas for smooth cutting parametric circuit traces. The idea was to fillet taper and curve all traces to prevent the vinyl cutting blade from rotating excessively as it does with sharp corner geometry. The hope was to prevent the blade for tearing up traces by giving it a smooth cutting path to follow. alt text
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Material PN
Copper Tape 3M #1126
Garolite Sheet 8525K411

Cameo Vinyl Cutting

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Here is a micrograph of the cuts, note the settings for the cameo on the upper left. alt text Here is another copper vinyl circuit after weeding.

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