Everyday we learn, we experient and we create, but when comes the time, will we remember everything? The knowledge that we build can be used also for other people that are facing the same problems. This web site will help me document my experiences and so other people can start from there and go faster and further in their researches.
Like you can see, there are 3 main environnements.
The ssh key is essential to recognize your local computer. It's a unique language between your computer and GitLab to make sure that you will always be in controle of your project.
These are some website very helpful: GitLab basics
I personaly clone the base repository that the Fab Academy gave me. I delete their folder doc with their template and I replace it with the one I download from internet.
Thanks to the patience of François and my collegues. These are some website very helpful: Start with GIT, Git tutorial.
I never coded a web site, so I am starting very far away. The good thing with that template is that I can copy the different fonctions and work from there. The template I choose is really well made, documented and organise. It's very easy to personalise it and learn from it.
These are some website very helpful
At the end of all, I push my site on GitLab and I have the 403 Fordibben error...oops! One of my collegue told me about the none written rule for the name of every files and folders You shall not put spaces, special charater or any accent anywhere.I change the name of my 0-index.htmlto index.html.
403 Fordibben error...again!
I went to see the web site of Philoppe Libioulle. He knows alot in this domain and hopefully he already pushed he's site.
The file -ci.yml was built for the basic template of fab academy. Like I told you before, the type of file is responsible to send regularly you site to the domain. If it's not right, the communication can not be made. So I changed my -ci.yml file and magic happened, my site was on Internet.
Well, creating a website is not that hard, but I got very lucky that my template was well organised. Leaving anotations a everywhere is crucial to remember where you are and what the code means. It's another language like french or spanish, with rules and a hierarchy. Probably if you are very good to that new language you can do a lot of shortcuts, but I am pretty sure your code will not be understandable by everyone. Here are my files.
Montreal, QC, Canada