Board talking to each other is very interesting to do for complexe system. Here is the group assignement documented by Philippe
If you remember the week 7, electronic design, I made a little hello board connected to Rx and Tx. This week I will use that board to communicate to her twin sister. Let see if they can talk to each other using serial communication.
To communicate with the tx,rx, we need to have a master, where the information is comming from and a slave, this one answer to the master. The master will send by his tx pin ( transmiter) a message to the rx pins (receiver) of the slave to give some instruction. Than if we want to, the slave can answer back with his tx pin to the rx pin of the master. This is how it will communicate. The code will have to interact to both board and this is why arduino haved made this Software seriallibrary that can send and receive information. I start by opening that library. The most important of that code is probebly the way they call the rx
I personaly clone the base repository that the Fab Academy give me, I delete there folder doc with theire template and I replace it with the one I download from internet.
That week was much more harder that I expected, it took me a big amount of time figuring the serial communication but at the end Files
Montreal, QC, Canada