Last year in Toulouse I met Alysia Garmulewicz during a workshop on biomatrial. Her platform materiom contributes to find new material more circular and respectful of the environnement. Nature is full of composite materials, but the difference is that betwen each element the bond is weak. When the natural composite is no longer used like a leaf who dies, it fall on the floor and the weak link break and each simple bloc is released and can be used by other. Nowaday scientists all around the world have created a lot of materials, but most of them use stong link between each elements. Then to recycle them we need alot of energy to reforme it or redetach all these elements that compose the material.
For this wildcard week I create 2 biomaterials from the plateform materiom and create something with it. I begin by creating 2 samples to see more what I can do with it. The plateforme does not explain the physical property of the material so I don't know if I can make a bloc with it or only tin sheet. The recepies that they are giving use element that are usually in big amount world wild, it will maybe not be in the same form but they will be available and respectful of the environnement. I will make the eggshell biocomposite and the Coffee/agar - alginate. These are the two composites I will recreate and I will choose 1 to create something after. I suspect that I could lasercut the material, mold it in something thinner that 10mm and that it would be fragile.My challenge of this week:
I need for ingredients:
In the lab we already have the vinegar and the water, but not the alginate and the egg. My family have a big brunch on sunday so guess where I found 12 eggs. The sample need only 15 grams, but I knew that maybe I need it more after the sample. The alginate can be sell on powder on a kind of paste to do casting with children. I think that powder is more polyvalent and can be mix easier ...but that is a guess. I didn't find only alginate so I order sodiom alginate and pray that it makes no difference.
I need for ingredients:
In the lab we already have the agar agar and the water (obviously) and the Glycerol. Be careful here, the glycerol, glycerin or glycerine are all the same. The glycerol refere usually to a pure concentration and the glycerin or glycerine refer normaly to a commercial name so the concentration is around 90 to 99%. I use some vegetal glycerin from coco. The alginate I ordered it like I said before. For the coffee ground I take used expresso ground from my coffee machine.
Biomaterial is very interesting, but using them is complicated. I wanted to try to create some for a long time ago and I now a tones of questions come to me about all the property and how to work with them. I think that working with them means also to change the ways we design things and the ways we modify them. It was very suprising the retraction coeficient the coffe material reduce. Also, the eggshell material can open a door on new kind of mold that can helps coagulate the material. I think I will have a very interesting year after the fabacademy. Files
Montreal, QC, Canada