Interface and Application Programming

Assignment for this week:
Write an application that interfaces with an input and/or output device

For this week assignment I used an Arduino Uno board and a DC Motor.

I connected the motor directly to the Arduino board (one leg to GND and the other to pin9).

I programd the arduino board to recieve an Input and accelerate or decelerate the motor accordingly.

I used Processing to interact with the Arduino board and send commands according to a user interaction with the processing gui (one click of the mouse for acceleration and another click to decelerate).


Very simple programs that are based on existing samples.

I’ll uploade the code later on …

This is the bottom line:

Another thing I played with was OpenCV and interacting with my laptop builtin camera.

I used OpenCV with Java and Python (on Eclipse of caurse).

I wrote a little program that activate the camera and enables a user to take snapshots while it works and save it to file if he wishes …