Final Project Presentation
There it is… The Penta-Tone!!
This project is done in collaboration with Ida Vass.
Penta-Tone is an open platform for playing. Playing music and playing games.
It has five different separate components that communicate with a control component using RF communication.
The components are placed on the floor. Stepping on a component will turn on its light and will send a message to the controller to play the right tone.
The components can be spread in a room or outside separated from each other.
It is an open platform as any one can take it and change the sounds and tones (the Penta-Tone sends MIDI messages) by connecting it to different MIDI instruments or applications (like Pure Data for instance)
The Penta-Tone will have two (out of the box) modes:
- Playing (music) mode: as a component is stepped it generates light and sound.
- Playing (game) mode: the controller will play random sequences of tones (each time an additional note will be played starting with one tone) and the players, will have to step on the right bubble to replicate the sequence.
The project consist of five components that represent five different tones / sounds and one control component.
We split the work among us like this (it is not a very clear cut – but it lets every one of us to utilize as much processes and machines as possible): Ida is taking care of the end units design and coding for the LED strips and Pressure Sensor) and I design and programming the Controller unit (Design the box and programming the MIDI module, the RF network and the overall logic of the Penta-Tone different modes).
Designing the Controller box:
See details here …
RF Communication:
MIDI Communication:
The Pressure Sensor:
Putting it all Together:
Components and Materials:
See here: BOM for the project.
And That is it!!!!