
I'll show you what went right, what went wrong and not so wrong.
Details of this journey.

foto rutas en montana
Week 2

Computer Aided Design

CAD icon

Model experimental objects/part of a possible project in 2D and 3D software.
Show how I did it with words/images/screenshots.
Include my original design files.

Week 3

Computer Controlled Cutting

icono CCC

Explained how I parametrically designed my files.
Documented how I made a press-fit kit.
Documented how I made a vinyl cutting.
Included my original design files.

Week 4

Electronics production

icono electronic prod

Documented how I made (mill, stuff, solder) the board.
Documented that my board is functional.
Explained any problems and how I fixed them.
Included a ‘hero shot’ of my board.

Week 5

3D Scanning and printing

3d icon

Identify the advantages and limitations of 3D printing.
Apply design methods and production processes to show understanding of 3D printing.
Demonstrate how scanning technology can be used to digitize object(s).

Week 11

Molding and casting

Design appropriate objects within the limitations of 3 axis machining.
Demonstrate workflows used in mould design, construction and casting.

Week 12

Output devices

Demonstrate workflows used in controlling an output device(s) with MCU board I have designed.

Week 15

Wild card

Demonstrate workflows used in the chosen process.
Select and apply suitable materials and processes to do your assignment.

Week 18

Project Development

Implement project plan.
Apply time management techniques.
Summarise and communicate the essence of your project development.

Week 19

Final project

Create your own integrated design.
Demonstrate 2D & 3D modelling capabilities applied to your own designs.
Select and apply appropriate additive and subtractive techniques.
Demonstrate competence in design, fabrication and programming of your own fabbed microcontroller PCB, including an input & output device.