This page covers my process through the fabacademy, illustrating my progress, discoveries, failures, reflexions and inspirations.

Week 08

Computer-Controlled Machining

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Run out:In the holes that I created the diameter were a little bit larger than the digital dimensions.

Alignment:Considering the press-fit that I machine and after assemble it I could say the alignment is well calibrated but I think that always the dimension of the digital file differ from the reality.

Speeds and Feeds:The speed that we use for our CNC machine usually work at 16000 rpm and the feeds vary depending of the material.

Toolpaths:We can configure different tool paths depending the job that we want to make.

For our personal projects in this assignment we use wood of different thickness according to the need of each one, Jorge use 15 mm MDF, Ale and me are using 5 mm MDF. So first we did the parameter test for 15mm MDF thickness, after that we did the same test for 5 mm MDF. We started downloading Guillermo Guerra file Test to analyze, understand and after modify and create our own files.

15 mm MDF test:

For this test we put different types of "t-bones" and we increase and reduce the size of the pockets in a factor of 0.05 mm starting from a base of 15 mm the thickness of the material. We did this because we want to know the tolerance and the behavior of the material as a press-fit structure.

The result of the test was:

5 mm MDF kerf test

My friend Ale was using the same material as me so she did a comb shape kerf test like we did in the laser cut assignment. The results of this was 5.2 mm pocket was the best size to assemble and dissemble so we figure the kerf index was 0.1 mm to each side.

5 mm MDF test:

I did a similar test to know the tolerance and the behavior of the material I want to use for my final project. In this assignment I want to test my design and the material for the shelter structure.

For my test I draw a pentagon using Autocad and then I add the pockets in each side. I choose to put four pockets of 5 mm with different t-bones to know if the location of them affect the press-fit system. Also I increase the dimension in a factor of 0.05 mm and 0.1 mm.


I use Autocad to create a decagon and then to edit the shape and add the pockets with different dimensions and the t-bones and finally join the different polylines to make one shape.

You can download the file:


Autodesk ArtCAM is a single solution for designing and making in the woodworking industry has been discontinued with no planned future releases or updates. We are using a 2008 version that was previously installed on a PC.

You can download the files:


LinuxCNC controls CNC machines. It can drive milling machines, lathes, 3d printers, laser cutters, plasma cutters, robot arms, hexapods, and more.

In our fablab we are using this software and is pretty easy to use I follow the next steps:

CNC Router 1325

For me this machine is pretty easy to handle and very useful. Some of the characteristics of our fablab CNC machine are:


It's very important to remember the safety precautions:


Computer controlled machining

5mm Test.

The result of the test was:

5 mm test assembled.

Comment: The result of the test has a lot burr because I didn't secure the piece with bridges or a screws so the pieces move when it was being cut and also the same error happened to me the first time I cut in the section make something big It wasn't a problem of the speed or feed because after I cut my pieces securing it them and didn't have this burr. So Is very important to secure our piece with bridges or also with screw but if we choose to do the second way we have to be very careful and check that the screws don't collapse with the cutter.

Attaching the material with screws and a drill.



I continue working in the files that I created for the press-fit kit because they were parametric and that make easily to change the thickness of the material from 4mm that belong to cardboard to 5mm triplex also the others dimensions. Also I create an assembly of my pieces using the assembly2 workbench.

Column assemble.

You can download the files:

Freecad Path workbench

I found this tutorial where they show the creation of a Path Job from a 3D Model, generating dialect-correct G-Code for a target CNC mill. So I try to generate my gcode doing the next process:

You can download the file:

Clip Test

I found this amazing digital joints and a machine that use clip joints so I use the files as a reference to create a clip that help me secure my pieces, for that I made some tests, the first one and the second one using 4 mm MDF and the third one with 5mm Triplex.

It was very difficult to put it together but at the end I achieved it. I think if I include this clip in my project maybe could be much more difficult to assembly all the parts, so I decide to experiment first how the material work without the clips and if it's necessary I can add to the design.

Digital 2D clip.
Real Clip

You can download the file:


After I had my parametric files in Freecad I exported to DXF and open it in Autocad to make some tests of an idea that I had. I change to this software to safe time because I already know it and I work faster on it but in the future when I have more time I will use Freecad.

The idea is to make more secure the assemblies adding some clips, but I realized that could be more difficult assemble the parts taking into account that there are to many pieces.

If this is really necessary I'll add this to my design but first I want to try if works well without the clips.

Merging the clip idea with the pieces of the structure.

Make something big

Hero shot

For this assignment I want to machining a part of the main structure of my final project to know how the material behaves once assembled this part could be a beam or a column, the dimensions of this part are: height 60 cm, length 12.3 cm and width 12.3 cm. It's conformed of 14 pieces.

I did the same steps that I describe before using ArtCam to create the G-Code and the same steps to open it using LinuxCNC and run the CNC machine.


At my first attempt the result of the machining was pretty bad, it was very difficult to assemble and when I check what's going wrong I observe the next errors:



Check the jump!

In my second attempt the result was the desired. This are the corrections that I did:

Note the separation between the pieces.
Column assembled after debugging. I felt really happy when I it works!

You can download the files:

Watch the evolution of my prototype in this video:


Its very important to make sure about your design and the possibilities that could go wrong when you machine, for that review carefully your files, make small test and don't machine a big file without reviewing or testing it first.

Secure the pieces that you are going to cut.

Think about the time that will take the machining process.

The most important thing is the safety make sure to follow the correct work flow.