This page covers my process through the fabacademy, illustrating my progress, discoveries, failures, reflexions and inspirations.

Week 07

Electronics Design

Link to the class content


ATtiny44 data sheet

For my first attempt in this assignment I use an ATtiny 44 microcontroller to redraw the "hello.fdti.44 board" but after I change it for a Atmega328p and when I review the datasheet I found this differences between them:

Comparison ATtiny 44 VS Atmega328p
PIN configuration.


Can be an input or an output and internally you turn on a pull up resistor. There are three registers:



Compares two voltages ask if one is above or below another. Only gives true or false answer. It can do it very quickly.



8-bit Timer/counter0 with PWM

You put a number in the register and the counter counts up or down and when the counter is above or below of the number you turn PINS on and off so rather than you have to flip a PIN the PIN flips automatically by this timer counter unit and the you just slowly change number to vary the fraction the on off time.

ATmega88 - Atmega328p data sheet

I add the Atmega88 micro controller in the schematic but I'm using the Atmega328p and when I check the datasheet I realized that both of them have the same PIN distributions. They only differ in memory sizes, boot loader support, and interrupt vector sizes. You can check the important information I found in the Week 09.

PIN Configuration


KiCad is an open source software suite for Electronic Design Automation (EDA). The programs handle Schematic Capture, and PCB Layout with Gerber output.

Slideshow 12: Click on the arrow to see the images!

NSIS Error
Schematic Errors

You can download the file:


Autodesk EAGLE is an electronic design automation (EDA) software. Enabling printed circuit board (PCB) designers to seamlessly connect schematic diagrams, component placement, PCB routing, and comprehensive library content.

I found this eagle tutorial that make my job a lot easier and this is the work flow I followed:

You can download the file:


I use this software to edit my PNG file and add an alien and my initials.

You can download the files:


After that I upload the images to MODS G-code mill 2D png program.

First attempt: In the traces file I use the same settings that I used for my second programmer. The settings for "tool diameter mm: 0.35" give me two errors which were two tracks joined.

Debugging: I had to change the settings for "tool diameter mm: 0.25", finally the file was correct.

You can download the files:


To prepare "autoleveled" G-code is quite easy, just open the AutoLeveller, point it to the G-code generated in MODS, and hit "go". Out the other end comes your G-Code with the autoleveler magic included.


Open the G-code with the autoleveller file included and make sure to follow the correct process and use the right milling cutter.


This part was easy after soldering the Alex version two times. And the offset I use help a lot.


Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects.

Hacking Arduino software to program a non Arduino circuit board.

We had to make some kind of hack to program our electronic circuit using arduino software. You can see the all process in the next video:

Arduino Pin out:

I had to check where the pin outs of my microprocessor are located respectively to the arduino pin outs, then I put the corresponding number of the pin outs in the arduino code and finally upload the corresponding code to my Alien circuit board.


I had to enter the number 8 as an OUTPUT corespondent to my LED pin out (PB0) and then put the number 2 as an INPUT correspondent to my button pin-out (PD2) the delay from 1000 to 100 milliseconds to make the light blink faster.

You can download the files:

Watch the video:

Testing the equipment (Group assignment)


Is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit. A typical multimeter can measure voltage, current, and resistance.

We use this device to know which tracks and components are connected with each other through the circuits. This was really useful when I was looking for the error in my first attempt of my programmer.


An oscilloscope is a laboratory instrument commonly used to display and analyze the waveform of electronic signals. In effect, the device draws a graph of the instantaneous signal voltage as a function of time.

We use it to see and analyze the wave form of my led when I program it to blink very fast, also to see and analyze the wave form that produce my button.


We had troubles using KiCad so we change the software to a previous version of Eagle and this one works well.

Some important recommendations in circuit boar design are: