Interface and Application Programming

Goal of the week

Work Assignement

In this week I would like to programm an interface that I am going to use for my machine and then an other with a different language in order to have different choice for the implementation of the interface of my final project.

I've decided to programm in Javascript language because I want to have an interface in my web page and I want to discover this new language (for me).

Interface (and a small update of embedeed programming)

My interface have to controll a led rgb that I have done in output device and see the value of a sonar sensor. For the basic concept of the use of node.js I have seen a tutorial and for the programming in javascript I have find this documentation; then I have installated node.js from the official siteor by this terminal command:

   npm install npm -g //update npm first

then I have installed the library:

   npm install johnny-five //install jhonny-five

To load my simple first programm with javascript I have to upload the standard firmware data on my arduino selecting my port and arduino:

my file esempio.js where I programmed the scketch to blink the led 13 of my arduino is this:

 var five = require("johnny-five");
 var board = new five.Board({
 port:  '/dev/cu.usbmodem14101'
 board.on("ready", function() {
 // Create a standard `led` component instance
 var led = new five.Led(13);
 // "blink" the led in 500ms
 // on-off phase periods

It's very important select the righy port of our arduino because without this we can't load the sketch :

 port:  '/dev/cu.usbmodem14101'

to load the skecth I used this command after go in my path where I have my file.js:

 node namefile.js

Now that I have understood how use the language javascript for the programmation ,I am going to do my interface which controll the color of my rgb led. As data stream I use thePubNuband then I am going to see a tutorial

But in this tutorial,this tools are used for an interface which comunicate with an arduino but in my case I have to controll an input or an output board that I have done in this course so I have to try an other solution if I want to programm with javascript languages. I am going to try to comunicate my interface with the board of the led rgb output by an other solution.

The building of my Interface

At the first of all , I controll that the board I've done in the week of output has the right design for what I want to do:

the png used for the toolpath are this :

now my board is able to connect to the serial port.

I need the serial port because I am going to take the value high or low of the pins red, green,blue in the serial port because it is a good tools to communicate with my "web" interface:

I load this simple sketch with arduino:

    #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
    int led_red=1;
    int led_green=0;
    int led_blue=2;
    SoftwareSerial mySerial(4,3);
    void setup() {
    // put your setup code here, to run once:
    void loop() {
    int value_red=mySerial.parseInt();
    int value_green=mySerial.parseInt();
    int value_blue=mySerial.parseInt();

the new function that i've used are: parseInt which allow to read the int until we search a character

the third step: the communication between the interface and the serial port(file js): composition need of a file html where I have the sliders and something that allows the communication between the html input and the serial (so the led rgb brightness). This tutorial allows me to pass this step: in this fase I have installate the serial port library with this command

 npm install serial port

with this tutorial I have learned the workflow of my interface:

the websocket is important because allow to exchange data between the two file.js(the client.js and the server.js): the workflow is this:

1) take the value of the red,green,blue from the sliders with client.js put in the html file:

is important add the file client.js in the html of the interface adding this script:

  <script src="client.js"></script> //or <script> writing the whole code here </script> as in the neil's html

2) send these data to the server.js with websocket connection:

var server =""
var socket = new WebSocket("ws://"+server)
socket.onopen= function (event){
console.log("me so connesso")
socket.onerror= function(event){
console.log("can't connect to: " +server)
var value_led = new Array(3);
var led_r_value = 0;
var led_g_value = 0;
var led_b_value = 0;
function set_red(){
led_r_value = document.getElementById("intensity_red").value;
console.log("ho settato rosso: %s", led_r_value)
console.log("ho settato rosso: %s", led_r_value)
function set_green(){
led_g_value = document.getElementById("intensity_green").value;
console.log("ho settato verde: %s", led_g_value);
console.log("ho settato verde: %s", led_g_value);
function set_blue(){
led_b_value = document.getElementById("intensity_blue").value;
console.log("ho settato blu: %s", led_b_value);
console.log("ho settato blu: %s", led_b_value);

3) send these data from the server.js to the serial port

var server_port = '1234'
var client_address = '::ffff:'
var SerialPort =require('serialport');
SerialPort.list(function (err, ports) {
ports.forEach(function(port) {
//SerialPort= serialport.SerialPort,   //bisogna fornire la porta in input dopo il nome file .js
portName = process.argv[2];
var myPort = new SerialPort(portName, 9600);
console.log('port is open');
console.log('port is closed');

//websocket connection
console.log("listening for connections from "+client_address+" on "+server_port)
var Server = require('ws').Server
wss = new Server({port:server_port})
wss.on('connection', function(ws) {
if (ws._socket.remoteAddress != client_address) {
  console.log("error: client address "+ws._socket.remoteAddress+" doesn't match")
console.log("connected to "+client_address+" on port "+server_port);
ws.on('message', function ricezione(messaggio) {
//console.log('ricevuto: %s', messaggio);
//console.log(messaggio[0] + ',' + messaggio[2] + ',' + messaggio[4] + '*');
console.log(messaggio + '*');
var da_inviare = messaggio + '*';

From how I programmed the codes, to launch my interface I am going to write this command terminal:

node server.js <name serial port>

and then I open the html file and I check in the console if I receive the value (that I am sending to the server) and then see that in the terminal window I have the same value but in this format: ('value_red,value_green,value_blue* ' ); this much important that the format is this because only in that way I manage to read it and controll my color led.

At the end in order to show my interface in the documentation I have copied and pasted the html in the html of the week documentation.

Led RgB Controller




IMG_6015 from Marco Cialone on Vimeo.


interface codes