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20. Project development

1. What task has been completed?

The project involved many works to finish:

  • 3D printing for the body of the device. Done.
  • Laser cutting for parts of the body of the device and external box for electronics. Done.
  • CNC for ceramic heating chamber. Done.
  • PCB milling. Done.
  • PCB soldering. Done.
  • PCB programming. Done.
  • Power electronics for heating coils via MOSFETs. Done.
  • Assembling. Done.
  • Bluetooth module connection. Done.
  • OLED integration. Done.
  • Mobile application developing. Done.
  • Testing. Done.

  • Communication between the mobile app and the board. Not done. Progress.

2. What has worked and what hasn’t?

I have not had any significant issue. However, ones I burn some traces on the board as I accidentally created a shortcut. I soldered burnt traces and solved the problem.

3. What questions need to be resolved?

The communication between the mobile application and the board.

4. What will happen when?

I have finished my project.

5. What have I learned?

Most of the knowledge I have learned from the course. However, I had some specific task that the course did not cover. The two-sided CMC milling.

It was necessary to flip this part. Create the sitting place, zero Z-axis in the right place, and CNC it the part from the bottom.

The full prject report is here.