14 - Embedded Networking and Communications


I can now tolerate the milling machine, largely due to the many, many boards that I have had to mill. For this week's assignment, I milled 3 to make a serial bus - 1 bridge board and 2 nodes. 

The bridge board:

The nodes:

Here are the milled boards. I milled the traces on all 3 first, so I could save time on bit changes. I made note of my coordinates so I could go back and cut out all of the boards. 

Since these were small boards, the soldering went quickly:

After a little rainbow ribbon cable assembly, the boards were ready to be programmed.

The program assigns node numbers to each board: node 0 (bridge), node 1 and node 2. Using the serial monitor in Arduino, I typed in '0', the board echoed back 'node 0', all three boards flashed but node 0 flashed twice. The same thing happened to node 1 when I typed 1, etc. The code was set to flash the LED with a 100ms interval, which was a bit too fast for me, so I changed it to 400ms.

Published on   April 29th, 2013