Welcome to Elijah Taylor's Fab Academy Journey!

This website documents my progress and experiences as I embark on the exciting journey of the Fab Academy program. I will be sharing my weekly assignments, final project, and insights along the way. Feel free to explore and discover how I tackle challenges and learn new skills in digital fabrication.

You can access the HTML documentation and Gitlab Fabcloud for more details. Additionally, by customizing the style.css file, I can personalize the site's look and feel.

Weekly Assignments

  1. week 1. Project Management
  2. week 2. Computer Aided Design
  3. week 3. Computer Controlled Programming
  4. week 4. Embedded Programming
  5. week 5. 3D Scanning and Printing
  6. week 6. Electronics Design
  7. week 7. Computer Controlled Machining
  8. week 8. Electronics Production
  9. week 9. Molding and Casting
  10. week 10. Output Devices
  11. week 11. Mechanical & Machine Design
  12. week 12. Input Devices
  13. week 13. Networking and Communications
  14. week 14. Interface and Application Programming
  15. week 15. Wildcard Week
  16. week 16. Applications and Implications
  17. week 17. Invention, IP & Income
  18. week 18. Project Development