1. Project Management

Objective: Read & sign the student/instructor/lab agreements, committ to repositories, work through a Git tutorial, and define my final project idea.

1. Student/Instructor/Lab Agreements

I have thoroughly reviewed and signed the required student, instructor, and lab agreements. These agreements outline the expectations and responsibilities for both students and instructors throughout the Fab Academy course. I understand the importance of adhering to the rules and ensuring the smooth running of the lab's activities. By signing these agreements, I am committing to following the guidelines and participating actively in the program.

2. Committing to Repositories

Following the instructions, I have successfully created my Git repositories and committed my first changes. These repositories will be used to track and document my progress throughout the Fab Academy. I have learned how to initialize repositories, add files, and make commits using Git. Additionally, I’ve ensured that my repositories are correctly linked to the GitLab platform for continuous tracking of my assignments and projects.

3. Git Tutorial

I followed the Git tutorial provided to familiarize myself with the basics of version control. The tutorial covered key concepts such as:

Useful links

Project Sketch

sketch 1 Project Image 2